Chapters Putin-Ukraine

By Cain Palmer August 1, 2024
Chapter 3 Advantage 3: Neutral Platform of Number Crunching You may have guessed the punchline. These recommendations will force a whole new kind of conversation. America really needs this new dialogue because that is where we get to find the diamonds laying in the rocks of coal. That will be our success. Raghu-nomics shows how relatively simple adjustments offer these dramatic improvements. This has a lot to do with how much low-lying fruit we have for easy picking. The absurdity of today’s dysfunction happens to be its advantage because such little efforts offer such big results. Most are simple recommendations. You will recognize your own ideas in them. They are taken of our collective wisdom as a nation. Today, they rise, buried no longer by the hate and recrimination of today’s conflict politics. We beget a new approach to an old problem. And so to our other advantage: Raghu-nomics gives us a neutral platform to discuss our issues. Conflict politics of the day no longer to derail our conversation. These are not campaign promises, but those of stoic business plans. It’s the number crunching of nerds. America’s creative entrepreneurial spirit now has a safe space for public policy discourse – at long last. That is Raghu-nomics. Come work and play in this trauma-free zone without the hate of ideologues and media. Details at Chapter 4 Advantage 4 Breaking the Impossible with the Genie of your Wish We are looking for those of interest to join us in finalizing these Raghu-nomics projects. That can be a friend, academic institute, political group or investment firm. Our campaign is to take these policy reforms out for a test run and find our working team. It will hardly take a few thousand voters joining in to stir the country’s imagination. Markets will rally to the opportunities. Politicians will scramble to jump aboard this new generation of policy and reform. *Your Vote makes the difference. Your voice can now talk as one people through this microphone of democracy as so intended by our founding forefathers. Simply speak your wish. Would you like to see more Raghu-nomics? Say it and it shall be. It’s really, just that simple. Raghu-nomics is your genie. You need but ask and your wish will be the command of politicians, stir biz interest, grab media attention, entice academia and unleash nerds upon these millennia of quandaries. The modern world is built upon tech and engineering. Nerds are the superheroes of that civilization. Raghu-nomics hands them working models over to their sport of creative genius. They front as Clark Kent office drones, but once taken from the closet (and phone booth), nerds will devour these seemingly impossible into a thousand new possibilities. Let’s get this out to them. And to the final advantage. Raghu-nomics breaks the impossible with working models that suddenly have us believing once again. Leverage Debt Reduction is a great example. All the experts insist America can never pay off its $35 trillion Debt. The RADHA Mortgage just knocked off $15 trillion. 50% gone. Just like that. Experts tell you all the reasons why something can’t be done. Leaders tell all the ways you can. This is the special gift Raghu-noimcs offers the nation. Suddenly, the conversation is no longer about all the things we can’t do, all the people we must hate and the prep for the end now upon us, but rather we now get to talk about all the things we can do - today. America has lost its way and the faith it takes to find it. I’m a man of faith. Not a politician, nor economist, nor activist. I’m an ol preacher boy with little more than the small village education of a Brajbasi. There, the gifts are those of faith, joy and clarity of purpose. I offer those today as my Guru Maharaj has so directed for this is his legacy you hear in my offering today. The prediction of Srila Prabhupada’s legacy: to save the world in its darkest hour and it is to that end I work here now. I have no other consul or solace other than my Guru Maharaj’s blessings. I stand of no means, status, education or influence, but I offer that gift Prabhupada gave my as a child – the belief to break the impossible. From there, all becomes possible. That is Raghu-nomics.  Raghu-nomics is more treasure hunter than thinktank. We excavate the grand possibilities hiding there in plain site(*) of today’s so called crisis. This is not about votes or policy, but the joy and wonder found in these new worlds of possibilities. We need but take a second look in the dialogue of celebration of America’s best as a country, ourselves and the values we cherish most. Welcome to Raghu-nomics and this Raghu 4 US Senate.
By Cain Palmer August 1, 2024
Chapter 1 Advantage 1: New Perspectives, New Possibilities Raghu-nomics certainly takes first place as the most stunning economic promises of any candidate. Here we offer details to the biz formula’s behind all these big claims. They have been carefully crafted over decades. The cost tens of thousands and blood, sweet and many many tears. All of them began from the same first step: New Perspective. That is are first advantage. A trademark of Raghu-nomics is the new perspective we bring to every issue. We only look for considerations not covered by others. This new perspective is the secret of our craft. That’s where we find new approaches. It’s like finding the back door when the front door is locked. That means looking behind the issue. Lifestyle Insurance is a great example. Lifestyle Insurance offers a new approach to both healthcare as well as lifestyle. When people hear the term lifestyle, they think: sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll…and obesity. The first response is always the same: How do we get people to change their habits. Less smoking. Less drinking. Less junk food… and more exercise. Behavior modification is always the first response and only focus. This has proven a terrible distraction. Behavior misses the big picture. Raghu-nomics instead looks at the collective. We see them as a separate marketplace. That is where we get our brand of innovation. Lifestyle is now seen for what it truly is: Each lifestyle is a massive, specialty market, for those of a single community. This marketplace of lifestyle has been overlooked. No longer. Lifestyle Insurance changes that at long last. There’s about 20 million Alcoholics. 50 million smokers. 200 million American’s facing obesity. See healthcare from the perch of this broader view. Entire worlds open before you as we see beyond the walls of ivory tower ideology. And so to the first and obvious of this larger picture: Everyone agrees - lifestyle makes up 50% of all medical costs. Again, this is the one universal we have in this debate: 50% of all medical cost is Lifestyle related. Raghu-nomics begins from this point: If we covered our own lifestyle costs, we just reduced our healthcare cost by this same 50%. Now for the big bonus. Each lifestyle has their own retail counterpart. That means each lifestyle has a revenue source all it own. We have.. Cigarettes for Smokers Alcohol for Drinkers Junk Food for Obesity. Obesity personifies the point. American spends $2 trillion a decade. That is $2 trillion for obesity alone. $2 trillion dollars sounds like a lot of money, but now for the really big surprise. That only cost 10 cents. That costs you just 10 cents when evenly divided between all junk food. Pay that extra 10 cents at the point-of-sale. 10 cents more when you buy your soda pop, french fries, burger and ice-cream. That 10 cent’s gives us universal healthcare for all obesity related services – for free. Americans eat such a massive amount of junk food that it only cost 10 cent once divide between all our snacks. And no, this is not a sin-tax. It’s not priced by corrupt politicians, nor given over to state budgets. It’s your insurance premium. Pay-as-you-go, at the point-of-sale. Now to be clear. Raghu-nomics is not pushing this as policy. We simply use this as a Working Model. It is a beautiful demonstration how affordable the premiums, how easy the budgeting, how effective the solution - once we try this approach to Lifestyle Markets. We are selling this approach of Lifestyle Markets, rather than the proposal for these premiums. These are working models to build a new conversation around. Thousands will offer their own ideas. New ideas bred upon a new paradigm that is Lifestyle Markets. Raghu-nomics is about Lifestyle Markets rather than any specific proposal for them. They are but the details to this larger picture. Simply said: we just found the back door to America’ s healthcare crisis. Welcome to Lifestyle Markets. Raghu-nomics has 5 books on Lifestyle Insurance. The latest is ready for the final edits.
August 1, 2024
Tesla’s Million-Mile Warranty 70% Lower Monthly Payment Raghu-nomics has built upon this time-value-of-money once again with Tesla’s Million-Mile Warranty. This time, it’s multiplied a hundred-fold. We now applied this principle to dozens of areas of the auto market. Once combined, they offer us an exponential impact that re-INVENTS the auto industry. For example, a million-mile warranty lends itself to a 30-year term. It’s just like your home mortgage. A 30-year term reduces the monthly payments by 70%. That’s the difference between today’s 5 year auto loan and a home mortgage. A $70,000 truck will cost you $700 a month. That’s the monthly on 5-year auto loan. That $700 monthly drops to just $250 once swapped into a 30-year term. The CyberTruck is now priced for the mass market. Get your CyberTruck for just $250 a month. And no, you are not stuck with the same car for 30 years. Instead, you get a half dozen lease options over 3 decades. Today, you go and lease the car one time and then you buy it or return it. The 30-year term changes all of that. You can now lease - a half dozen more times. This means you get to swap out your car every 3 to 5 years. These are 4 of the 100+ benefits and features of our Patent Pending Million-Mile Warranty. And so I’ll make the announcement here. We just CONVERTED the auto industry’s retail model over into a true membership program. The membership program means the monthly must be significantly lower over buying it. The 30- loan will do this for the auto industry. A membership model now uses the car as a marketing platform. The money is no longer in selling the car. The big money will now be found in servicing the car. We call them Supplemental Services. There’s the Warranty, Insurance, Finance, Repairs, Upgrades, Co-pays and Lease Renewals - each with their own down-payments. Supplemental Services come with their compounding rate of return. That is multiplied over 30 years. The combined revenues of those Services – over 30 years – hands Tesla 7 x more money, per vehicle. Elon Musk is especially well placed for this. Tesla is the only automaker dedicated to complete vertical integration. That is a fancy way of saying Tesla now offers all these Services. The Million-Mile Warranty offers Tesla a really REALLY big advantage. It means Musk just sold 7 cars worth of revenue for every one vehicle made. Here’s an easy example of how that plays out. Every 2(.2) million CyberTrucks will generate $1 trillion over 30-years. Compare that to the present retail sales model. Today it requires 14 million trucks for that same $1 trillion. That’s 2 million vs 14 million cars for the same $1 trillion. Elon Musk has 5 million Tesla’s on the roads today. We say to Elon Musk – offer all of them this Million-Mile Warranty. This will hand Tesla $2.5 trillion over the next 3 decades. Again, that is from 5 million Tesla’s on the roads right now. That new long-term revenue stream will factor into Tesla’s valuation - today. This should take Tesla’s stock to $1 trillion – within months of the Warranty’s launch. And my push back to the experts. They say Tesla’s big money is in Full Self Driving or it’s battery biz. It’s not. It’s in this Million-Mile Warranty. And it’s ready to go – today. Yes, I’m spending a lot of time on Tesla’s Million-Mile Warranty. The reason: Elon Musk can roll this out tomorrow. Literally by tomorrow. There’s no moving parts here. Let’s get this to Elon Musk today. The world as you know it will be different within days thereafter. As stated in Chapter 1: These are market functions waiting to be upgraded. Elon Musk will be the first to make that happen for one simple reason. Tesla already built in all these tech breakthroughs. The Million-Mile Warranty simply formalizing these tech upgrades into a simple package ready to launch. Tesla Advantage Tech vs Commodity Tesla’s Million-Mile Warranty is possible for one reason and one reason only. It starts with understanding that Musk is not selling a car. Some call it a computer on wheels. Others say it’s a battery and energy platform. Those are but features of its true function. Tesla is a technology guised as transportation. Don’t mistake the transportation for the technology. That’s true of its battery and engines and again, with its manufacturing and distribution. Like all technology, Tesla has compounding cost efficiency and upgrades with each dollar spent. We already know this for computers and electronics. It’s true for electric cars as well. The progress and savings are easy to track. The rate of improvement is in step to the amount spent. It’s all very predictable. Spend $1 billion and you get a 1% rate of improvement (as a working figure). Spend $100 billion and you have a 100% improvement. Welcome to Technology Transportation. That’s why Musk can offer a Million-Mile Warranty. Today’s electric battery may cost $14,000 dollars. It may only go 100,000 miles and last for just 10 years. However, batteries of the next decade go a million miles. They cost just $4,000. All those BIG BIG savings we get in a decade from now, can be priced into the Warranty’s premium price today. That leap in performance and savings follows the trajectory we’ve seen already. The price of batteries has fallen 90% since Elon Musk first started Tesla 20 years ago. China just reported another 20% cost savings on solar panels in this last year alone. China is spending tens of billions. The cost savings of solar and electric vehicles follow in step with China’s massive investments in them. It’s exactly the opposite of the Internal Combustion Engine or ICE for short. ICE cars are a COMMODITY BASED TRANSPORTATION. Prices will only continue to rise - as commodities always do. ICE cars cannot afford, nor can they predict, the cost of their vehicles 10 years from now. Never mind 30. And no, the cost is never going to be cheaper than it is today. That is the rule of commodity-based manufacturing and design. Therefore, it’s not possible for legacy automakers to offer this Million-Mile Warranty. We see this already. It takes 3 to 4 Tesla’s to go a million-miles. All other brands require 6 to 8 vehicles to go that same million-miles. The CyberTruck will likely double this Durability. It may only take 1 or 2 CyberTrucks to go a million miles. It takes 4 or 6 pick-up trucks of any other brand to do the same. That offers huge savings. Savings start at $200,000 over a million miles. Savings jump to a Million dollars once we compare it to high end brands. Don’t get distracted by Tesla. This is not a Tesla phenomenon. It’s the Principle inherent to all technology. That is the wave China is now riding. China Tech is coming and will break upon our shores starting this very year. We can only counter this China invasion with better technology. That means electric cars. There is no reengineering or market manipulation that can save ICE cars now. The days of the gas powered car is over. Those days are gone. This auto tech finds its measure in our Million-Mile Warranty. From this day forward, all cars will be rated by this million-mile cost and performance. It’s the new Gold Standard. And it will be activated by a single button from Elon Musk. Tesla already has all this breakthrough tech. The Million-Mile Warranty simply formalizes all the work Musk has already done. Yes, Raghu-nomics has converted the entire auto industry into a membership based model with the Million-Mile Warranty as the new Gold standard of the auto industry. All this to be unleased with but your simple request for Raghu-nomics. That is Raghu 4 US Senate. Tesla’s 7 Tech Advantages These savings are found in the combined improvements of 7 areas of this tech Advantage: Fewer parts. 3,000 parts for a combustion engine compared to just 300 for electric. 90% fewer parts. That smaller footprint also carries over to manufacturing and logistics, so you have cheaper, easier manufacturing as well. The rate of consolidation into this smaller footprint is exponential – much as we see of computers. Fewer parts means greater durability. There’s less move parts to break. Durability translates into greater longevity. Tesla’s first and second generation cars are hitting 300k to 400k miles. Third generation Tesla’s are hitting a half million and should be at a million miles within 2 to 4 years. Fewer parts also lends itself to modular replacements and so, they have lower repair costs. These first 4 Tech advantages combine into an exponential price drop. It will happen as fast as the rate of investment in to this auto tech. China is investing tens of billions every year. They have finally hit that tipping point in cost savings of 20% to 40% those of ICE cars. Examples: China is offering a $25,000 electric SUV for the comparable ICE brand that sells $40,000. The ICE SUV is now double the price of China’s. China will drop that price to just $15,000 within the next 12 to 24 months. Please take note. The next 24 month is likely the final years of the ICE car – at least in any markets that China sells to. Auto Makers Have 2 Choices China gives legacy automakers two choices. They will no longer compete with China after this. They either retire or surrender. President Xi is counting on it. Hence China’s big investments in electric cars. A couple US auto makers may get lucky. They will get to be window dressing for China’s international sales. Or….the other option. The auto manufacturers of the world unit behind Elon Musk. It will take a trillion dollars’ worth of investment to beat the China subsidy. That brings us to our 6th advantage. I will not share it here, but this one single feature will give us that $20,000 electric vehicle by years end. This one technology is already up and running. We need but hit the switch to activate it. That gives us the $20,000 vehicle by this coming Christmas - 2024. The price will drop to $5,000 to $10,000 by next year. Yes, you can buy your electric vehicle for just $5,000 – if we invest that $1 trillion today. That is only possible if Auto makers unite as one community. Only then, can we leapfrog past China in a single year. China – half decade. This new tech will reduce traffic 50%. The battery size will also drop 70%. So will the price. The batteries range will triple. Again, it only takes hitting that tech switch to activate. I will tell you of this tech feature someday soon. Sorry Republicans. The Democrats got this one right. Not because of gov’t mandates for their Green Revolution, but because China has spent the money on the technology. We either play catch-up with China, or say good bye to the entire auto-industry. America will be another lacky to China’s auto companies. Ask Elon Musk, he’s been trying to warn us. For some odd reason, no one is taking notice. My campaign changes that. Elon Musk, please confirm these findings. I only take them from you. A single post from you will light up a media storm. They will finally talk of this coming apocalypse of our legacy auto makers. And yes, legacy auto makers, this is your time to confess the gravity of your future so that we can finally grab the public attention for action now. Beating China’s $15 Trillion Death Grip Today’s automakers are faced off against the full economic might of China’s $15 trillion economy. No auto manufacture can compete against that level or resources. Not even Elon Musk. However, we can beat the Chinese gov’t. It’s simple. All Legacy Auto Makers must unite. And so to our final tech secret – UNITED behind this cause of Tech Transportation. Legacy Auto Makers working hand in hand with each other and those of their own nations. Do this and we get ourselves that $5,000 Electric Auto. This $5,000 price point is a magic number. 4 billion people want one and can afford one. That means 400 million auto sales every year, for the next 10 years. A brand new market born and launched. *3rd Industry Re-Invented. Toyota 100 Mil. The only question left is who will do this first? China or US? Remember, this is not an either or choice between electric car vs ICE cars. Media and politicians would have you believe there is some contest. Especially this election cycle. They are wrong. They truly don’t know better. The age of the ICE car is over. Nor is this a choice between Tesla or legacy auto makers. Those experts are wrong too. Elon Musk is not the competition here. China is. It took me 4 years and 6 books on the Tesla Report to find this coming death blow. Starting this year, China is already hitting 30% to 50% price advantage. Therefore, my work has changed over from the Million-Mile Warranty. Today, I call to legacy autos to join Elon Musk. Tesla United is the simple answer to China. Or, we are the prey to China’s auto domination for evermore. You may not know this, but automakers do. Raghu-nomics offers them a simple way out – Elon Musk and big investment. We must now work on this single front - hand in hand with all nations now facing China’s auto invasion. That begins here today, with the launch of our campaign and your sharing of it: Raghu-nomics and Raghu 4 US Sensate. And so to my larger point, I’ve done all the heavy lifting here. These 4 pages on the Warranty can sound long winded, but they are but a small sample of the 300 pages written. Much the same for the other proposals. The American Shopping Party has a hundred plus pages. Lifestyle Insurance 300 to 500 pages. But of all programs, I start with Tesla. The easiest and fastest of all these programs is Tesla’s Million-Mile Warranty. We need only take this to Elon Musk or legacy auto makers, or investment firms or, the media and other politicians. They will do the rest. As I said before, get this to them and sit back and watch the market rally in a thousand and one ways. My dear dear Tesla fans, will you kindly take this to Elon Musk. Can we find a thousand friends to forward this to Elon Musk. We might be able to hear back from him this very day. I have not been able to reach him after a half decade of trying. Now you know the big secret to my campaign launch. In one word: Elon Musk.
By Raghu Giuffre August 1, 2024
Chapter 2 Advantage 2: Grunt Work Already Done for You Lifestyle Insurance That brings us to the next advantage. Raghu-nomics has already done most of the grunt work for you. For example, I spent $30,000 with an economics group - Guerrilla Economics. They provided the numbers and a great deal direction to the final package. The term Lifestyle Insurance was itself, in large part, by John Dunham, of Guerrilla Economics. The beginnings of Lifestyle Insurance started in 1996 with a thesis I called ROOPA: Responsibility for Ones One Products & Actions. I found the funds to formalize ROOPA in 2003. That was re-branded Lifestyle Insurance in 2005. We finished the first package just in time for the passage of Obamacare. That killed the political interest for Lifestyle Insurance that I had begun to get in DC. Ten years later, Trump came marching along. Trump pushed Republicans for a new healthcare replacement to Obamacare. I returned to DC once more to share with Congress. Democrats were receptive. However, they were having way too much fun watching Republicans grovel with their own healthcare alternative. Democrats were charmed by Lifestyle Insurance but aloof. Of course, I was finding traction with Republicans. Had I stayed on in DC a couple months longer, I could have closed this with Republicans. A story I hope to share some day. Unfortunately, Hawaii demanded my return for Mom and home. The point is that Lifestyle Insurance has proven truly bipartisan. I say this after talking with about 400 members of Congress over 3 years. Much of the grunt work already done for you. The numbers and mechanics are vetted. The template sound. The ideological interface with both parties tested. Lifestyle Insurance is ready to share with Democrats and Republicans alike. Pass it on to your party of choice. They will like it. I can assure you that. Share with industry players, media or your friends and family. If you like it. Share it. That’s all I ask: And so we see the decades of work. It took 30 to 40 drafts in re-writes to develop Lifestyle Insurance as you have it today. 5 books later. Maybe 50 grand spent, mostly from my own pocket. That is the cost behind Lifestyle Insurance alone. I just discovered that this is my 40th Anniversary of Raghu-nomics. I did my first policy proposal back in 1984. I developed my own immigration program called PASS – Pay And Stat Securely. This was in response to Gov’t Wilsons re-election for California. Prof Hinojosa, founded the NAID’s Center at UCLA. He was so impressed with my work, that he personally offered to sponsor me at UCLA. I simply needed to get my GED. I’ve been chipping away at this immigration issue ever since – that is now 40 years. We find the same kind of efforts with the American Shopping Party. Made it on the ballot here in Hawaii as it’s own political party. I did that twice out of the 4 attempts made. That means I approached about 30,000 people since 2010 when first started. The platform was redrafted a dozen times. Similar efforts for this policy with Gov’t Price Markets. We detail the story behind the RADHA Mortgage in the next Chapter. I gather you understand the point. These are not pollical postures. They are carefully crafted economic templates. They have been tested with biz models, therefore, you can test them for yourself as well. That is Raghu-nomics. That is what I offer you here today. RADHA Mortgage Vetted & Ready for the Nation The RADHA Mortgage offers another case in point to the grunt work already done for you. First started on the idea during Japan’s 1990’s real estate collapse. Revisited the program in 2006 with the fall of the US real estate market. Spent a year working out the details with some Credit Unions on the East Coast. Their accountants and attorneys did their review before rolling it out to their group of financial institutions. Yes, it’s vetted with all the legal considerations finalized since 2008. By then, the real estate market had already collapsed 50%. There was no need for RADHA to reduce mortgages further. Instead, markets spent the next 15 years climbing up again. Today’s market has changed. We once again have a large real estate bubble. This time is different. We now have a turnkey mortgage program ready for this market correction. RADHA is the first and only mortgage product for a depreciating housing market. You need only ask and share it with the world. Say your wish to those of this election and your mortgage drops 50%. Affordable housing for the whole country. RADHA inverts the ‘time-value-of-money.’ You buy a $100,000 home today, but it cost you $300,000 by the time you pay it off 30 years later. That is the Time-Value-of-Money. RADHA inverts that process. That $100, mortgage is 200% more than the original loan. That $200,000 makes up 2/3rds of your payment. It’s also called compound interest. RADHA uses this system of compound interest to invert the time-value of money. Therefore, banks don’t have to write off any principle but still walk off with a 50% profit on their loan. It’s amusingly simple and behold – 50% reduction on all real estate in America. Again, used by financial institutions on the East Coast - since 2008. The RADHA system is a composite mortgage program that uses several similar steps of other financial products. The legal precedents have already been established by them. This hybrid also gives RADHA a unique versatility not found in any other mortgage program. This allows for the growing number of scenarios that find no help with today’s other financing options. I’m reaching out to Goldman Sachs on this one. Gaura-Nara Sachi is the Bangali translation of Goldman Sachs. In Bengal, this is the name of the Golden Avatar, the personality known as Lord Caitanya. Gaura’s Mother was Sachi Mata. Gaura introduced the world to the Goddess of Love known as RADHA. RADHA is for whom I worship and to whom this mortgage is in honor for. Goldman Sachs seems the natural place to launch this RADHA Mortgage. We will now have the Gaura Nara Sachi Real Estate Division of Goldman Sachs. Raghu-nomics has 3 books on the RADHA Mortgage program. They are first drafts, but happy to rewrite - should there be further interest for them. *Foundation Women
By Raghu Giuffre August 1, 2024
PLEA FOR PEACE: No More Putin Nukes Ukraine War - Buying Peace from Putin Nukes Putin’s War of a Thousand Contradictions
By Raghu Giuffre November 17, 2023
Paying 1 debt pays off multiple others. Leverage Debt Reduction means paying on one debt that also pays-off multiple others debts as well. It’s the inverse of leverage financing. Leverage Financing of $100, for example, would allow you to buy say $300 worth of investments. Leverage Debt Reduction does much the same thing with debt. One payment pays-off multiple other debts. Leverage Debt Reduction holds the key to resolving the trillions in debt piling up throughout the financial system and around the world. ‘Mirror Debt’ Let’s use the example of a student loan. Say your mom and dad co-signed a student loan for you. The loan is for $50,000. You, your mom and your dad will have this same $50,000 worth of debt showing-up on your individual credit reports. That $50k debt appears under 3 different names. It looks like each of you now carry $50k worth of debt. We refer to this as ‘Mirror Debts.’ That is when one debt shows up on multiple accounts under different names. Let’s say there’s an investment ‘Expert’ looking over these 3 reports. Let’s also say he didn’t recognize that these 3 accounts were all related to the same family - yours. It appears to them there are 3 separate loans for $50k. They count that $50k loan three times – one for you and again for your mom and dad. They calculate there is now $150,000 worth of outstanding debt. This is what we have today. Experts are telling us all about the billions (trillions) America has in debt. A large portion of that is actually the same debt. It’s simply being counted multiple times – under different headings. I discovered this while studying the Credit Default Swap market back in 2007 - 09. Here’s were ‘Leverage Debt Reduction’ comes into play. Let’s say you pay-off $20,000 worth of your student loan. That also pays down the debts listed under your parents accounts as well. Each of you will have this debt reduction show up on your credit report by this same $20k. Remember that ‘Expert?’ He thought there was $150,000 in combined debt. Well now, those same credit reports show only $90k worth of remaining debt. You paid-off $60k simply by paying $20k on your student debt. That is an example of how Leverage Debt Reduction works. We would see the same kind of paydown if your mom made a payment on the loan listed under her name. The same again if your dad made payment. Your parents may be making payments to the loans listed under their own name, but it pays off the loan listed under each of your credit reports. Mirror Debts hold true for any number of financial markets. That is multiplied in derivatives markets. These markets are counting the same debt multiple times – under different headings and players. These different players do make payments to their debts. This is paying down a host of other Mirror Debts too. Leverage Debt Reduction would track all these corresponding Mirror Debts. Once a payment is made on any given Mirror Debt, we would simply track and apply that same credit towards all its counter-part Mirror Debts. It works just like your student loan cosigned by mom and dad. When you pay your student loan, your parent’s debts are also reduced - automatically. A large part of financial markets are made of these Mirror Debts. Therefore, most of today’s markets offer this kind of Leverage Debt Reduction. Phantom Debt It can be easy to track the payments on a co-signed student loan. It becomes more complicated if you want to track all the Mirror Debts for industries like Credit Default Swaps. This tracking system is the critical step missing from today’s financial system. It has created a façade of ‘phantom-debt.’ Much of this so-called debt does not actually exist. It’s just like that student loan. There was never $150,000 worth of student loan debt – just the $50k. This Phantom Debt hides away incredible and immediate value. That value is easy to tap. We just need to properly track the paydowns to all Mirror Debts. Welcome to Leverage Debt Reduction. ‘Double Write-down’ This brings us back to that investment Expert. Let’s say he’s talking about a $150,000 in Credit Default Swaps. We can now know that it represents just $50,000 worth of debt obligations. They are simply counting the $50k three times – like we saw of the student loan. In 2008, Credit Default Swaps were counted more than 3 times. There was 5 Credit Default Swaps for every home mortgage in America. (Today, Credit Defaults equal about 2 ½ times our total real estate mortgages.) Our point is a simple one. Paying off just one (of 5) of those Credit Default Defaults would have also paid-off the 4 other ‘mirror’ Credit Default Swaps. The details behind this are more involved than a student loan, but the example offers a fair idea how Leverage Debt Reduction works. Writing off multiple Mirror Debts at a time is referred to as a ‘Double Write-down.’ Tracking these Double Write-downs would have saved us from most of the 2008 real estate crisis. I say this without exaggeration – as will be explained in later chapters. I’m re-launching Leverage Debt Reduction now because there is a new tsunami coming our way. The last market implosion had far less debt and far more value than this market bubble. It will therefore require an addition set of debt reduction (and value creating measures) then Leverage Debt Reduction alone. For example, we have the RADHA Mortgage that pays down over inflated properties with no capital paydowns while re-building equality. The RADHA Mortgage was also developed in the crash or 2008. We have other programs like the ‘Inflation Tax’ that re-balances over inflated real estate markets. The ‘New Deal of Markets’ does much the same for over inflated stock markets. Those programs will be covered in other books. For now, we start here with Leverage Debt Reduction. Leverage Debt Reduction needs to be in place before this next market implosion has gotten too far along. Leverage Debt Reduction can reset this market bubble with far more ease and far less pain the 2008. Otherwise, this coming market collapse will be many times worse than anything seen before. The following YouTube Video was made back in 2012 based upon the books written in 2008. We have made a great deal more up-grades to the program and concept since then.
By Raghu Giuffre November 13, 2023
Press Release – American Shopping Party CONSUMER’S MANIFESTO Consumer’s Movement America *….*….*….* Consumers are the Labor Movement of the 21st Century Welcome to the American Shopping Party “I Am The American Shopper” By Raghu Giuffre Final Draft: 10/31/20 (b) The Consumers Movement is packaged as a 1 day a month event for 50 million Americans to rally together to buy Local American Made. Show up with 50 million shoppers and every store across the country will carry something local or American Made. The first Friday of each month will be dedicated to celebrate the best of all things local and American. The Consumers Manifesto is a tour to your power as an American Shopper. We present the examples of waning unions that can find their power in a global economy with just 3 friends and family joining them; the Democrat party of the common man converted into a powerhouse upon executive priorities; the wiles of Trump supporters converged around their values; women as 70% of household budgets; the consumer as dispenser to 70% of Americans trillions; the collective of 30 million small biz in their last stand against the rigged system by Wall Street monopolies and maybe most of all, Black Lives Matter rallying America’s 40 million African Americans into 3 friends joining for 50% of all American’s buying and donating to their business and causes. You will also come to recognize the evolutionary leaps for all mankind and how they have been fueled by you as the American Shopper. This is true for nations of the Middle East, the manufacturing of China, the tech industry of India and to billions more throughout the world. You already know these things as pieces of a puzzle. Today, see them as a single portrait and your share to this magnificence of humanity empowered. In this journey, you will find yourself as the royal sovereign to Capitalisms global economy. You need but claim your stake as an American Shopper. Today, we call upon that super-power as the American Shopper for our small biz, save America, and maybe, jump start the global economy as well. What better for America’s Christmas gift to the world – a true miracle. In short, consumers are the Labor Movement of 21st Century people. The social political causes of the labor movement of the last century can now be achieved through our buying power as an American Shopper. Today, we formalize this buying power as the official Consumers Movement of America. Welcome to the American Shopping Party. *….*….* 60 Million Shoppers Feel your power as an American Shopper. Unions for example bemoan their low 14 million membership – and falling. That’s just 10% the labor force. My dear unions, know the easy cure: tap the power of your members as an American Shopper. Mr Vice President Biden, please call upon each union member. Ask them to find just 3 friends and family to join our American Shoppers. Or do this as head of the Democratic Party. This gives you a movement 60 million strong - unleashed upon our markets – in just days. How fitting that unions launch this next generation labor movement – the Consumers Movement Of America. 60 million also happens to be the number of followers Pres. Trump has on Twitter. Or about that number of women that go shopping every Saturday - double that on holidays. Women represent up to 70% of all US household spending. See the power they hold within the palm of their hand - as a single demographic. It’s the very same power you carry EVERY Day as an American Shopper - with each dollar you spend. Unions, Trump Followers, women, Democrats and you, these are just some of the social groupings that can change history in our power as the American Shopper. My dear President Trump, will you join us in this Buy American Made Day? My dear women of American, will you take the lead in our Buy Local Small Biz Day? My Dear VP Biden, will you rally the unions to join us? Mayor Harry Kim, will you declare Hawaii’s Buy Local Day? *….*….*….* Know Your Power – Change the World Decades of critics have told to the failings of modern consumption. This is a new day. Hear of your great contributions as the American Shopper. Know these gifts and you know your power to change the world. Yes, the world. Behold. • The might of China’s trillion-dollar manufacturing was built upon your dollar, the American Shopper. • All the savvy of India’s billion-dollar tech industry was also built upon your dollar, the American Shopper. • So too the modern gilded cities of those of Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar and Saudi Arabia of the Middle East. Each of their nations also built upon your dollar as the American Shopper. • Everyone wants that dollar of the American Shopper. You should know that to all of them, YOU ARE THAT ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR. • Billions from nations the world over, lifted from the worst of poverty. This was done in step of history’s greatest transfer of modern technology, infrastructure and governance. All those technologies also build upon your dollar – much of it, right here in the USA and as our export to the world. • We now have witnessed the greatest leap of mankind, worth millennia of evolution in hardly but a couple decades. It’s the American Shopper to have so fueled this great transformation of our world into a modern people. These are only a few wonders born of you as the American Shopper. History tells of similar legacies as the work of armies, heroes, angels or gods, but always, it is for a single king, one nation or some small region. Not so for you, the American Shopper. Your magic touches upon most every nook and cranny of our entire planet. Capitalism claims credit for these feats, but there, behind all this capitalism, is you. It has always been you, the American Shopper. You are the heart of this machine – at least for now. And so too, when you stop shopping, economies of the world stop right along with you. Today, the heart of the modern economy of the world has stopped beating. Therefore, today, we call upon your superpower as the American Shopper. This time, use your power to save America and it’s small business in their darkest hour of greatest need. Will you join us this day to Buy Local American? Save our small business as the community treasures we hold of our towns and jump start America once again – if not the whole of the world. *….*….* Economic Democracy = Next Gen Social Policy Voting with your dollar is called Economic Democracy. Every dollar is a vote and that vote always – ALWAYS - counts. Well, it counts at least 70% of the time. 70% of our entire US economy is/was based upon your consumption. This means you, the American Shopper, decides who gets our trillion dollars - 70% of the time. In other words, ‘You are the trillion dollars.’ That, my friends, is your superpower. Has any common man ever held greater power with so little but spending your own dollar? This economic tale is only the beginning of our super powers. Each day, technology and innovation only enhanced our reach into Next Generation Social Policy. • You want our young American soldier out of Middle East wars? Buy a Tesla. Buy 5 million of them - a year - and see the relevancy of foreign oil collapse in step with falling petro-car sales. • You want to fight global warming or reduce our environmental footprint? Switch to plant based Impossible Burger in place of livestock farming (which produces 20% to 50% of all man-made greenhouse gas emissions and does much the same with our consumption of global resources. Fast food chains now sell these Environmental Burgers at your local corner). • You don’t like nuclear power or coal stations? Put in solar panels on your roof. • You want to stop animal cruelty: Buy Ahimsa Dairy wherein the cow is never killed and left to free range pasture. • You want the mafia of Brazil to hear your plea to stop burning down the Amazon rainforest and ruthlessly killing the treasures of its indigenous tribes? Buy from our local American Farmers. It’s why multi-nationals avoid promoting US produce – to avoid public scorn of their Brazilian imports. • AND…if you truly want American Jobs, strong communities, booming small biz and high-quality food from our neighborhood farmers (and their offer to true food security): Then please, PLEASE – PLEASE , my dear friends, please join our Buy Local American Day on the first Friday of each month. Economic Democracy is this powerful, modern app to take on today’s corporate corruption, industrial devastation and media inspired conflicts by all those so dependent upon our division as a fellow American. One day a month wherein all of us now come together, not in the conflict politics of Liberal vs Conservative, but simple celebrate the best of who we really are as one people. A national time-out to find our common cause, share a kind word, smile, sway in hand to song, local dining around the showcase of the American Best. A truly United States of America. As we like to say, the happiest place in politics. That is the ideal of the American Shopping Party. And not to worry, this still leaves 29 days to go beat up on each other in today’s politics of hate and shop from other nations of the world. The premise is simple: shop with your heart and the world will follow along to your highest ideals. You will find this of capitalism, multi-nationals and even the dreads of corrupt political leaders. They will line up behind your lead as the American Shopper. The world transformed around the values of our finest. Welcome to your power in Economic Democracy. *….*….*….* Buy Local for Nov – Dec 8 months ago, America was 30 million small businesses. They generated $3 trillion in revenues and 50% - that is half - of all US jobs. More telling: 50 cents of every dollar is what they give back to our community. Chain stores only give us 13 cents on the dollar. That’s a 4 to 1 return by small biz over Big Box stores. It’s why buying local just 1 day a month makes such a big – very big - difference. Remember, our old economy was $20 trillion a year. It’s hard to imagine just how massive this really is. Think of it this way: having just 1 of every $12 dollars going to American Made will jump start our economy with 100% employment. In this global reset, you can relaunch the terms of the old world around this new commitment to our local economy with this Made In the USA. America’s small biz are the jewels of our community talent, the vibrance to our quality of life and the building blocks of family neighborhoods. Never have small biz, farmer and entrepreneur needed us more than they do today. We are calling upon all to speak in one voice: ‘We are here for you small biz – this day, every month.’ *….*….*….* Goal: 50 Million Shoppers We are working to have 15% of the people of any given place joining this Buy Local American Day. That comes to 300,000 residence of Hawaii showing up to buy local. That’s 6 million buyers out of California’s joining us out of 45 million residents. Our goal: 50 million Americans taken from across the nation. Each of them pledged to small biz, local farmer and our home entrepreneur. One day a month makes it easy for retailers, and yet, still equals two weeks a year. That’s big. A Black Friday every month for small biz - 12 times a year. Let’s jump-start this Buy Local American Day for this coming November. It’s a practice run for the Christmas season. It just so happens that 40% to 60% of all retail is done during this yearend holiday. We have this small window of opportunity to save American Small Biz. This Christmas will be measured by the number of small biz we can save. This will be our Christmas gift to our community, country and the future of our children as entrepreneur. Stand for our values built into our Local American Made. Come join this first Friday for Small Biz America. *….*….*….* Amazon of Patriotism To scale this big will take some large players to join us. We call upon them today and all those who offer to connect us with them. Ebay! Will you be the platform for our small biz? Groupon! Will you be the marketing arm? Apple, your Apple Card the financial platform. The Apple Universe of a billion users is a hub of enterprise and techies. My dear Apple-teers, Peoples of this Apple-world, will you join us? You’re a nation and recognized as such when you stand with us here today. We also stand with Goldman Sachs’ drive for small biz. (Wall Street only offers special access to large investors. Goldman works to offers these same privileges to small biz - for the first time.) To each of you. America needs you. The world awaits you. So does our local community. We are the Amazon of Patriotism. No longer based solely upon the lowest price, but now for our highest values of local jobs, clean air, water and land; quality food grown to our health, taxes paid and finally given over to our community, schools, infrastructure and manufacturers accountable to us as our neighbor. Would you pay 10% more for such a world? How bout 40% more? Maybe 3% of your gross income dedicated to this simple cause. At least for this one day a month. *….*…*…* Take the Pledge – Today If you love this, take the pledge - TODATY? Which mayor will offer a Declaration to Buy Local American, 1 Day a month? I Call upon you Mayor Kim, our mayor here in Hawaii. I call upon all our Mayors of Hawaii. Which governor will declare our state a Buy Local American Day? I call upon you Gov’t Ige – Hawaii Gov. Which Presidential Candidate or those running for office will take the pledge? I call upon you Rocky, Kyle and Pierce. How bout you Kehele, my opponent for this seat of Congress, District 2 HI. VP Biden, will you ask unions to take The Community Pledge? President Trump, will you call upon your 60 million Twitter followers to join this celebration of America? America! Are you ready to party? 1 day a month to honor and celebrate as one people? Then take This Gandhi Pledge. *….*….*….* The Gandhi Pledge The Gandhi Pledge is a simple one. It’s the 5 things Gandhi asked of his non-violent movement: Buy Local. Ask your Friends and Relatives to Buy Local. Ask Stores to carry Local. Wear Local. Make something with your hands. (The day of your inner artisan will find magic in our hands once more as a nation. In the days of Gandhi, it was to weave their own cloth. Today, it’s to bring our imagination to life.) The final step: $20. Chip in just $20 and the American Shopping Party will be fully funded. Finally, a truly independent political party – free of corporate dependence, but in partnership of their best to our community. These are the simple Pledges of the American Shopping Party. Today we launch. Will you be a founding member? *….*….*….* Founding Fathers A Founding Member, is for those joining in this 1 week fundraiser. It’s just $20. A Founding Sponsor is = $51. A Founding Patron = $108 A Founding Father = $500. A Founding Partner = $1,000 A Founding Godfather = $10,000 A Founding VP = $50,000 A Founding President = $100,000 (This is a political party so not limited as political candidates for the size of donations.) Within the week, we will know of our scale and reach for our community small biz here in Hawaii – if not the nation at large. You are the founder to the hottest political party –in history – for we say every country should have one day a month to honor their local artisan, craftsman, small biz and farmer. All the world, joined in common cause of our very best. Join us. You are the founder of this revolution. *….*….*….* American Shopper - America’s Final Hope In closing: we have talked of your power as the American Shopper, but also take note to all those working to take that power from you. Corporations spend billions lobbying corruption from politicians. Politicians pass laws violating our rights, voice or will. Corporations want us to believe WE are helpless to their power. ..BUT – THEY KNOW their money (and all the power it buys them), is given BY YOU, the American Shopper. You really are the ‘all mighty dollar.’ Forget: ‘Show me the money.’ YOU ARE THE MONEY…at least to any of the world looking to sell starting with today’s multi nationals. Multi-nationals use low prices to sell you slave factories in place of your job or to pawn off the quality of our food, production, environment and community. Low, low prices is the bribe of regimes in oppression to the peoples of their own nation and paid by our moral sense of values and justice. And yet, few things compare to the Great Economic Coup of 2020. There stands Wall Street monopolies. All other business – competition –shut down. The Wall Street fantasy of sole company store monopoly. Has any siege ever been greater – all the world shuttered – in a single blow? Amazon reached a $1 trillion dollar valuation after a LONG 25 years. Today, Amazon just doubled that to $2 trillion in a MERE 25 weeks. That is $100 billion a month. How true of Wall Street monopolies. America’s 30 million small biz shut down. However, SMALL BIZ AMERICAN, you can also call upon your super power as the American Shopper. Remember, there are 30 Million of you small biz owners. Getting just 3 of your friends and family to join us comes to 120 million buyers. Today, lead us to buy small biz America. 1 Dear Black Life Matters. There are 40 million African Americans in this country. Get just 3 more friends and family outside your community to join our American Black Friday for this first Friday of November and behold 160 million shoppers all dedicated to buy from your community, donate to your causes, rally the gov’t to sponsor your communities and the nation geared to celebrate your struggles and triumphs. You could be walking off with a quarter trillion by years end. Great jumps start to reparations. Whatever your demographic or cause, calling upon your super-power as the American Shopper is a simple multiplier and its always there in the vote of your every dollar spent. The American Shopper has always decided winners and losers of industries – the good and bad, the wealth of whole regions and to those wielding American power. Unfortunately, today we have something quite different upon us. It may take years for our economy to recover. This means you may well be the last American Shopper of economic power, choice and the future as a nation of entrepreneurs. This could be our last chance to fight back with our power as the American Shopper. Today, you remain our last hope. And so I ask, will you stand with us today in the full glory of your power as the American Shopper? Stake your claim: ‘Today, I save America in her darkest hour.’ ‘I am the American Shopper.’ Welcome to the Consumers Movement of America. Welcome to Economic Democracy. Welcome to your American Shopping Party. *….*….*….* Member Pledge: ‘I Pledge to...’ 1) Buy Locally Made on 1st Friday -Easy for stores @ one 1 day a month. -Fun for shoppers. -Big Event for Tourist. -Every store will carry local that day. . 2) Ask 3 friends & family to join me -Don’t need TV & media once we talk to each other. Welcome to grass roots. 3) Ask 1 Store: “Show me your Hawaiian Made.” -10 to 20 customers asking Small Biz. -1,500 shoppers ask Walmart, Macy; corporate will hear about it in 48 hrs. 4) Wear Hawaiian Made 5) Make Something (w my hands) 6) $20 –Annual membership fee. (for Hawaii -300k people x $20 = $6 million . $ is for marketing blitz. Tourist get dozens of exposures of Hawaiian Style products. Scale-up all buy-local programs across state & get farmers into big venues like Ala Moana, Waikiki) *…*….*….* This writing is tailored of a thousand articles read, the conversations shared and the deepest reflections held of my last decade in this journey of the American Shopping Party. Principles of ASP 1) Only Positives 2) Celebration as Activism 3) Common Cause w/ 90% vote 4) Easy Action Steps of Time & $ 5) 3rd Option Policy Proposals – don’t deal with other party policies. 6) Focus on Sustainability 7) New Dialogue & Think Tank 8) Monthly Projects 9) Gandhi Principles of Revolution – Gandhi Pledge.
By Raghu Giuffre October 30, 2023
They call the Prince of Saudi Arabia – MDS. We find MOBIS (pronounced Mobeez) a better fit and just as valid a nickname from those same letters of his namesake. Prince MOBI’S vision for the Mirror Line has all the feel of Divine Inspiration. It’s the final piece to this Impossible Peace. A light to the best of reason over all the differences of today’s warring nations and dying innocence. They can now find a bridge to a global partnership. It starts with the 3 Worlds of the Mediterranean: Africa, Europe & the Middle East (in alphabetical order). It then carries on over to unite the Arabs as well. This is especially true for Saudi’s land and cash giveaways to Jordan’s Palestinian refugees. It finds a fair offset. All that abundance of Saudi’s untapped lands profitably traded-up for prime real estate on the Sinai Peninsula. What’s the net worth of such privileged access to the heart of the Mediterranean? The goods and services of the Mediterranean funneled right back to the wide-open plains of Saudi Arabia. A gulf of political differences bridged with the literal bridge of the seas from two different gulfs. A thoroughfare of civilizations in their collective past taken in to all the promise of an exciting future - once partnered for our collective best. And now for the bonus: a great new collection of additional partners. Prince MOBIS is going to need the help – all the help he can get - if ever this is to be completed - timely. MOBI says the cost is $300 billion and to be completed by 2030. Ha Ha Ha, um, sorry. Yeah, NOPE. Others give it a price tag of $1 trillion and 50 years. Critics are likely closer to the ‘real’ estimates. I gather it’s likely closer to $2 trillion. That’s just $50 to $100 a square foot – depending how you calculate the numbers. This new Bridge to Peace is 35% longer than those of the Neom plans. That means more cost over those past estimates – just 1 of many examples of growing costs. However, its function and value have also expanded - dramatically. That means the Bridge of Peace will offer much better returns and attract broader participation. This is where America comes in. Let’s put all that wild spending to work. That $2 trillion price tag to be covered by America. America’s offer: Saudi oil for $100 a barrel. Top dollar. This saves the Prince from market gyrations and pricing volatility – while still getting top dollar. Note the billions in unfinished projects from around the world – especially in the Middle East. They were shelved because of sudden economic downturns. Most expect another one – soon. Saudi Arabia will not be immune. America is the insurance guarantee for the Prince’s capital flow required to complete his Bridge to Peace - timely. And yes, you are talking to an economist. I have accounted for ‘how and where’ the US will get this $. There are several sources, to be covered later, but here’s the most obvious: The US gets an equity stake in the Bridge itself. A $50 a credit per barrel. This means the US is getting a barrel of gas for just $50. The other $50 buys an equity stake in this Bridge to Peace. That $50 is really just loan given with each barrel of oil bought from the Saudis. The US will now get $1 trillion worth of oil and $1 trillion in equity stake for its $2 trillion deal with Saudi Arabia. America’s $1 trillion equity stake can expect to double in value over the decade. It means that the US got its oil for free. The rough estimate is that Bridge only cost $50 to $100 per square foot – once completed. Need someone else to do these estimates, but whatever the final figure, it should offer room for a fair profit. And so to our broader point, this $2 trillion should prove deflationary to the US dollar – a low $50 cost per barrel and a $50 loan that should double. This would also come with the stipulations: Saudi Obligations: Saudis will produce as much as oil requested by the US. The US will be able to provide affordable to the rest of the world – once more. US Obligations: The US must buy as much oil as the Prince request to keep up with the cost demands of the projects construction. America and the nations of democracy get affordable and stable energy supplies. Saudi gets the stable income for guaranteed financial backing til the completion.  Such are the ways of this Great Bridge of Peace.
By Raghu Giuffre October 30, 2023
12 Steps to Israeli-Palestinian Peace PIPI: Palestinian Israeli Peace Initiative Bridge To Peace
By Raghu Giuffre October 30, 2023
Egypt All the Land, None the Blame, But Time To Give = 0.05%
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