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Raghu 4 Senate Chapter 2

Raghu Giuffre • Aug 01, 2024

Chapter 2 

Advantage 2: 

Grunt Work Already Done for You

Lifestyle Insurance

That brings us to the next advantage. Raghu-nomics has already done most of the grunt work for you. 

For example, I spent $30,000 with an economics group - Guerrilla Economics. They provided the numbers and a great deal direction to the final package. The term Lifestyle Insurance was itself, in large part, by John Dunham, of Guerrilla Economics. 

The beginnings of Lifestyle Insurance started in 1996 with a thesis I called ROOPA: Responsibility for Ones One Products & Actions. I found the funds to formalize ROOPA in 2003. That was re-branded Lifestyle Insurance in 2005. 

We finished the first package just in time for the passage of Obamacare. That killed the political interest for Lifestyle Insurance that I had begun to get in DC. Ten years later, Trump came marching along. 

Trump pushed Republicans for a new healthcare replacement to Obamacare. I returned to DC once more to share with Congress. Democrats were receptive. However, they were having way too much fun watching Republicans grovel with their own healthcare alternative. Democrats were charmed by Lifestyle Insurance but aloof. Of course, I was finding traction with Republicans. 

Had I stayed on in DC a couple months longer, I could have closed this with Republicans. A story I hope to share some day. Unfortunately, Hawaii demanded my return for Mom and home. 

The point is that Lifestyle Insurance has proven truly bipartisan. I say this after talking with about 400 members of Congress over 3 years. Much of the grunt work already done for you. The numbers and mechanics are vetted. The template sound. The ideological interface with both parties tested.

Lifestyle Insurance is ready to share with Democrats and Republicans alike. Pass it on to your party of choice. They will like it. I can assure you that. Share with industry players, media or your friends and family. 

If you like it. Share it. That’s all I ask: 

And so we see the decades of work. It took 30 to 40 drafts in re-writes to develop Lifestyle Insurance as you have it today. 5 books later. Maybe 50 grand spent, mostly from my own pocket. That is the cost behind Lifestyle Insurance alone. 

I just discovered that this is my 40th Anniversary of Raghu-nomics. I did my first policy proposal back in 1984. I developed my own immigration program called PASS – Pay And Stat Securely. This was in response to Gov’t Wilsons re-election for California. 

Prof Hinojosa, founded the NAID’s Center at UCLA. He was so impressed with my work, that he personally offered to sponsor me at UCLA. I simply needed to get my GED. I’ve been chipping away at this immigration issue ever since – that is now 40 years. 

We find the same kind of efforts with the American Shopping Party. Made it on the ballot here in Hawaii as it’s own political party. I did that twice out of the 4 attempts made. That means I approached about 30,000 people since 2010 when first started. The platform was redrafted a dozen times. Similar efforts for this policy with Gov’t Price Markets. We detail the story behind the RADHA Mortgage in the next Chapter. 

I gather you understand the point. These are not pollical postures. They are carefully crafted economic templates. They have been tested with biz models, therefore, you can test them for yourself as well. 

That is Raghu-nomics. That is what I offer you here today. 

RADHA Mortgage 

Vetted & Ready for the Nation 

The RADHA Mortgage offers another case in point to the grunt work already done for you. First started on the idea during Japan’s 1990’s real estate collapse. Revisited the program in 2006 with the fall of the US real estate market.

 Spent a year working out the details with some Credit Unions on the East Coast. Their accountants and attorneys did their review before rolling it out to their group of financial institutions. 

Yes, it’s vetted with all the legal considerations finalized since 2008. By then, the real estate market had already collapsed 50%. There was no need for RADHA to reduce mortgages further. Instead, markets spent the next 15 years climbing up again. 

Today’s market has changed. We once again have a large real estate bubble. This time is different. We now have a turnkey mortgage program ready for this market correction. 

RADHA is the first and only mortgage product for a depreciating housing market. You need only ask and share it with the world. Say your wish to those of this election and your mortgage drops 50%. Affordable housing for the whole country. 

RADHA inverts the ‘time-value-of-money.’ You buy a $100,000 home today, but it cost you $300,000 by the time you pay it off 30 years later. That is the Time-Value-of-Money. RADHA inverts that process. 

That $100, mortgage is 200% more than the original loan. That $200,000 makes up 2/3rds of your payment. It’s also called compound interest. RADHA uses this system of compound interest to invert the time-value of money. Therefore, banks don’t have to write off any principle but still walk off with a 50% profit on their loan. It’s amusingly simple and behold – 50% reduction on all real estate in America. Again, used by financial institutions on the East Coast - since 2008. 

The RADHA system is a composite mortgage program that uses several similar steps of other financial products. The legal precedents have already been established by them. 

This hybrid also gives RADHA a unique versatility not found in any other mortgage program. This allows for the growing number of scenarios that find no help with today’s other financing options. 

I’m reaching out to Goldman Sachs on this one. Gaura-Nara Sachi is the Bangali translation of Goldman Sachs. In Bengal, this is the name of the Golden Avatar, the personality known as Lord Caitanya. Gaura’s Mother was Sachi Mata. Gaura introduced the world to the Goddess of Love known as RADHA. RADHA is for whom I worship and to whom this mortgage is in honor for. Goldman Sachs seems the natural place to launch this RADHA Mortgage. We will now have the Gaura Nara Sachi Real Estate Division of Goldman Sachs. 

 Raghu-nomics has 3 books on the RADHA Mortgage program.

They are first drafts, but happy to rewrite - should there be further interest for them. 

*Foundation Women

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