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Press Conference Speech - PLEA FOR PEACE: No More Putin Nukes

Raghu Giuffre • Aug 01, 2024

PLEA FOR PEACE: No More Putin Nukes

Ukraine War  - Buying Peace from Putin Nukes
Putin’s War of a Thousand Contradictions


Chapter 1

The Numbers Just Don’t Add UP

Putin’s War of a Thousand Contradictions

Putin Supporters have declared: The war is over. 

Russia won. 

Zelensky lost. 

Ukraine crushed - decimated. 

Now, we have Putin also taking down the entire US Petro Dollar system right along with it. 

America and Europe are in recession, maybe even the depression – or is it that long foretold big financial collapse? 

And thank God, by their account. 

Putin has finally put a stop to America’s warmongering. 

And justice for the thousands of Russians slaughtered by Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis. 

And yet, something doesn’t add up. For example, take a look at these numbers. 

Putin Supporters keep saying Russia just beat the entire Western alliance. 

But how is that possible? 

Russia has 6,000 artillery weapons. 

  • NATO has 14,000 = double those of Russia.
  • Russia has 8,000 Aircraft.
  • NATO has 20,000 Aircraft. That’s 2 ½ times more.
  • Russia has 1(.3) million soldiers.
  • BUT NATO has 3(.3) million soldiers = that is 3 x more. 
  • Russia has 3,000 tanks.
  • NATO has 12,000 tanks = 4 x more.
  • Plus 1 million Armored trucks. 

Something here just doesn’t make sense. Two, three and now 4 times more men and weapons in every category, but somehow, NATO still can’t beat Putin. 

Why not?

What am I missing here? 

Col McGregor says the US military is in no position to take on Russia in open battle. Did the Colonel just miss all those Russo-NATO comparisons? 

The comps show Putin could take out 3 NATO aircraft for each one of his own planes. NATO still wins. 

Putin could kill 3 NATO soldiers for every 1 Russian soldier. NATO would win that too. 

Make that 4 NATO tanks for every 1 Russian tank. 

That’s a 4 to 1 kill-rate advantage! NATO will still win - again.

Dear Colonel, how much more ready does NATO need to be? 

Are you sure you have the right numbers?

It doesn’t make sense. The numbers just don’t add up. 


Chapter 2

Ukraine War

Buying Peace from Putin Nuke-Mongering

  1. Should the Surrender of Ukraine equal a formal Nuclear Peace Treaty with Putin?

Putin just beat the entire Western Alliance, or so they like say, but they seemed to have missed the big NEWS FLASH: 

NATO can’t fight for Ukraine. 

Why NOT?

Putin will nuke us if NATO goes to war. 

Beat Putin in battle and there goes the whole world. All the horrors of nuclear holocaust. 

This sounds a lot different than what we hear from Putin Supporters. 

Should we say that this is the “REAL STORY’ - as they like to call it. 

They boast of Putin’s battlefield genius and muscle. But take another look. This is really about NATO trying to save us from Putin’s threats of full scale nuclear war. 

So which is it? 

Is Ukraine all about Putin’s far superior willpower, firepower, military power and staying power – as his Supporters are always found to be announcing?

OR…is this really about NATO trying to save us from nuclear war? 

So, just to be clear, the REAL STORY here is that we have to let Putin slaughter millions of Ukrainians and hand their nation over to Russia – or WE ALL DIE: Putin will nuke us all. 

That means this war is not about Ukraine. It’s actually about buying Nuclear Peace from Putin. 

Putin gets Ukraine, or the world gets nuked. 

So which is it?

Is this about Ukraine’s fight for survival and independence? 

Or is this REALLY about saving the world from Putin Nuclear Retaliation? 

We hand Ukraine over to Putin, we save the world from nuclear holocaust. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. That’s what Putin Supporters have been telling us from the beginning. 

And so we arrive to the heart of this war: 

We must hand Ukraine over to Putin. That is the price of PEACE from Russian Nukes. This is not about winning the war over Russian forces, but saving the whole world from Putin’s Nukes. 

Now for the really interesting part of the whole thing: 

Putin has always implied this deal, but never actually stated it. Today, we change that. We step in to make sure that this side of Putin’s offer is held to account. 

The terms we demand are simple and straightforward: 

We want Putin’s guarantee that he won’t nuke us – if we give him Ukraine. 

As of today, this centerpiece of the entire debate has never actually been stated this clearly and simply. 

The bigger surprise: this has been completely overlooked throughout all the debates over Ukraine. 

And so we add this little clause here today:

If the War of Ukraine is about a Nuclear Peace deal, it should be clearly defined as such. 

The surrender of Ukraine must represent the final step to this Nuclear Peace deal with Russia. That is what Putin has been inferring – almost offering. We are simply demanding he formalized this at long last. 

More specifically, we are looking for an end of Putin’s Nuke-Mongering. We have all heard about US War-Mongering, wherein America leads it’s international diplomacy with its military incursion. By compare, Putin leads his foreign policy disputes with varying levels of implied and increasingly, overt nuclear threats. This is becoming the trend as we see of Kim and N Korea. We refer to this as Nuke-Mongering. 

Today, we ask for an end to Nuke-Mongering given that Putin has once again led with nukes as his primary bargaining chip over Ukraine. Our point is that Putin has now used this Ace Card of Nukes. Don’t get to use it again. 

And so to our demand: 

Putin gets Ukraine means the world gets a Peace Guaranty against Putin Nuke-Mongering. 

No more Putin Nukes. 

The details for this can be hammered out, but THIS DEMAND is the beginning and end of ANY PEACE TALKS. 

Please join us in this PLEA FOR PEACE: No More Putin Nuke-Mongering. 

Chapter 3

Cuban Missile Crisis: Template for Peace

  1. Should the Surrender of Ukraine equal a formal Nuclear Peace Treaty with Putin?

Now for the really REALLY big surprise. Asking for this Nuclear Peace Deal may sound like a rather fair and reasonable request. Here’s the bad news: 

This PLEA FOR PEACE gets this really odd response from Putin Supporters. Behold, the next wave of PUTIN’S WAR OF THOUSAND CONTRADICTIONS. 

I do love to point to Cuba because that is where Putin Supporters started. Even to this very day, 3 years later, Cuba is still remains the big refrain about the fairness of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. 

They talk how Kennedy threatened thermal nuclear war if Russian did not remove their nukes from Cuba. America would never let Russian take Mexico. Just like we did with Cuba. 

Here’s the funny thing about Cuba. Cuba is still part of the Russian Alliance. It’s nearly 70 years later and Cuba is right there with Putin - still. 

Yes, Kenedy did demand Khrushchev remove Russian nukes. 

Here’s what Kennedy did not do. He never demanded Cuba also becomes America’s satellite state or as Putin likes to call it: a ‘neutral’ country. 

This contradiction between Cuba and Ukraine has never occurred to Putin Supporters. Cuba is their favorite, but it turns out, it’s a really bad example – at least for them. However, it does demonstrate our point. 

The Soviets withdrew their nukes from Cuba, but, they did so on one condition: 

Khruschev demanded that the US had to remove ALL their nukes from Turkey. 

Russia made the USA pay a really big price for leaving Cuba. 

No Nukes in Cuba means: NO NUKES IN TURKEY. This also played as shorthand to infer all of Europe as well. 

That was a lot for America to pay. Pres. Kennedy paid it. 

Is Putin ready to pay that same price that America paid for Cuba? 

And the Cuba example only gets worse for Putin from here:

A true comparison would have the US removing military supports from Ukraine…BUT Ukraine still gets to join the EU. That would be a fair, modern-day equivalent to the Cuba Missile Crisis. 

Cuba also has no political tampering with their elections from America or other such political sovereignty issues. 

This is the exact opposite of Putin’s demands. 

Kennedy never said Cuba had to join the West. No nukes in Cuba, but Cuba is still part of the old Soviet Russian Alliance and it lives quite well to this very day in both spirit and deed right there, next to Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine. 

From here, the Cuba example only gets worst for Putin Supporters. Not only would Ukraine get to join the EU, but Putin would have to pull all nukes out of the North Pole and any such threats for the entire hemisphere of the America’s. 

Do we have any Putin Supporters that still want to talk Cuba and Kennedy? 

So in summary, a duplicate of the Cuba Missile Crisis would have Ukraine joining NATO and Putin removing all nukes from the North Pole – because that sits on America’s Alaskan border – just like Mexico and Cuba. 

That’s a fair duplicate to Kennedy’s end of US nukes in Turkey.

That is what a true comparison with Cuba’s Missile Crisis would look like to those of a Ukraine Peace Agreement today. 

Dear Putin Supporters, let’s complete your example of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Join us here today for that same brand of Peace that you have talked so glowingly all these years, but this time for the end of Putin Nuke-Mongering. 

You talked of the first half of the Cuban Missile Crisis. BUT, missed all those little details on the second half of that deal. Let’s now finish that deal, you know, that one you used and held high to Putin’s own justifications for Ukraine’s mass extermination. 

We could not save Ukraine, but today, at least, let’s save ourselves from Putin’s Nuke-Mongering. 

Chapter 4

Did Zelinsky Just Win 

America’s Conventional War with Russia? 

And so back to all those Putin contradictions we started with. 

Why would Putin ever agree to these demands for a nuclear peace deal – even if this was true to the Cuban Missile Crisis? 

This has been a fairly common response from Putin Supporters. 

Putin is winning the war they say. NATO is in no position to make any demands - is how they see it. 

But wonder once more if maybe, these Supporters are also wrong on the details of Ukraine’s loses too. 

  • They missed the battlefield comps between Russia and NATO. 
  • They skip right over NATO’s limitations to fight in Ukraine or else face Putin’s nuclear Retaliation. 
  • They missed the unspoken threats of Putin’s Nuke-Mongering and so, the guaranty we should have against it – if Putin’s gets Ukraine. 
  • They also came up short in their much-touted Cuban Missile Crisis example. 

This represents a poor track record. And so, it would be prudent to take a second look at their latest claim about Putin’s win over Ukraine. You will find that once again, they missed some very important details

What if Ukraine was in fact winning the war? 

I do see how strange this must sound, given all the propaganda we’ve heard since the beginning of Putin’s invasion. They have always said Putin is just days away from complete victory, but somehow, another month and still another month again – for 3 years now.

Why has every one of these predictions been so wrong for so long? 

Well, let’s take a look at some of the details missed in those reports. It’s all right there in the numbers if we look a bit closer. 

We just covered how NATO can’t fight in Ukraine or else, Putin will NUKE THE World.

So, what has American been doing for the last 3 years – if not fighting in Ukraine? 

It appears that NATO has been fighting Putin with kid gloves. 

That is to say, just an inkling of US fire power. 

Is that True? 

The US military budget has spent about $3 trillion over the last 3 years since the beginning of Ukraine’s war.  Ukraine only got $100 billion of that. That’s hardly 3% the entire US military budget (during that time). That’s America’s version of a Smurf Ball – at least by budget standards. 

Now here’s what is so interesting about that. These American Kid Gloves and Smurf Balls had Russians on the run for over a year. Only now has Putin been able to restart an offensive war and even there, Ukraine losses follow America’s drop off in financial support. 

That’s why it sounds so odd to hear complaints about how poorly Ukraine’s summer counter-offensive has gone. Again, let’s just look at the numbers:

Putin has 10 times the advantage over Ukraine by every single measure: 

10 times the missiles, 

10 times the tanks, 

10 times the soldiers, 

10 times the artillery, 

10 times the tech, 

10 times the logistics AND…

10 times the MONEY. 

Putin Supporters boast of this so very proudly.

Putin has 10 times the military might and still, Russia lost 4% of their invaded territory.

Now also keep in mind, most of this territory was so intensively fortified. We can only find the closest comparable by going all the way back to WWII. 

Putin raised that Old Soviet Iron Curtain along the lines of his new territory and yet, he still lost 4% of it. 

How is that possible?

And so you have to ask the question:

Does this mean Ukraine is 14 times better than Putin’s army? 

This is the other side to that boast to Putin’s 10-fold advantage. 

Losing 4% of their territory means that Ukraine is 14 times stronger than Russia on a per capita basis. 

Happy for a second opinion here. 

Would you disagree with this and why? 

Here’s the obvious question I have:

What would happen if Zelensky had a matching military to Putins? 

What do we get with a 1 to 1 military match between Ukraine and Russia? 

Does this suggest Putin would lose 14 times faster than we saw of Ukraine’s summer offensive?

Here’s why it’s so important for us to answer but this singular question. 

Basically, it means American would win a Conventional War with Russia. A big part of American’s $10 trillion military budget of the last decade has been geared specifically for this very battle in the long awaited conventional war with Russia. 

However, the US has always carried the  greatest of doubts about actually wining in open battle with Putin. We get to hear the deepest of these fears most every day from Col Mc Gregor and his elk of other Putin Supporters.

Putin’s bragging only fuels those fears in the celebrations we see of his Supporters. 

Toady, Zelensky may have finally given us the answer to this riddle. 

Does a 1-to-1 match by NATO against Russia mean Ukraine would beat Putin’s army 14 times faster than the summer offensive? 

And so to the whole point of this chapter: 

Did Zelensky Just Win America’s Conventional War with Russia? 

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