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Raghu 4 Senate Chapter 1

Cain Palmer • Aug 01, 2024

Chapter 1 

Advantage 1: 

New Perspectives, New Possibilities

Raghu-nomics certainly takes first place as the most stunning economic promises of any candidate. Here we offer details to the biz formula’s behind all these big claims. They have been carefully crafted over decades. The cost tens of thousands and blood, sweet and many many tears. All of them began from the same first step: New Perspective. That is are first advantage.


A trademark of Raghu-nomics is the new perspective we bring to every issue. We only look for considerations not covered by others. This new perspective is the secret of our craft. That’s where we find new approaches. It’s like finding the back door when the front door is locked. That means looking behind the issue. Lifestyle Insurance is a great example. Lifestyle Insurance offers a new approach to both healthcare as well as lifestyle. 

When people hear the term lifestyle, they think: sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll…and obesity. 

The first response is always the same: 

How do we get people to change their habits. 

Less smoking. 

Less drinking. 

Less junk food… and 

more exercise. 

Behavior modification is always the first response and only focus. This has proven a terrible distraction. Behavior misses the big picture. 

Raghu-nomics instead looks at the collective. We see them as a separate marketplace. That is where we get our brand of innovation. Lifestyle is now seen for what it truly is: 

Each lifestyle is a massive, specialty market, for those of a single community. This marketplace of lifestyle has been overlooked. No longer. Lifestyle Insurance changes that at long last. 

There’s about 20 million Alcoholics. 50 million smokers. 200 million American’s facing obesity. See healthcare from the perch of this broader view. Entire worlds open before you as we see beyond the walls of ivory tower ideology. 

And so to the first and obvious of this larger picture: 

Everyone agrees - lifestyle makes up 50% of all medical costs. 

Again, this is the one universal we have in this debate: 50% of all medical cost is Lifestyle related. 

Raghu-nomics begins from this point: 

If we covered our own lifestyle costs, we just reduced our healthcare cost by this same 50%.

Now for the big bonus. Each lifestyle has their own retail counterpart. That means each lifestyle has a revenue source all it own. We have..

  • Cigarettes for Smokers
  • Alcohol for Drinkers
  • Junk Food for Obesity. 

Obesity personifies the point. 

American spends $2 trillion a decade. That is $2 trillion for obesity alone.

$2 trillion dollars sounds like a lot of money, but now for the really big surprise. That only cost 10 cents. That costs you just 10 cents when evenly divided between all junk food. Pay that extra 10 cents at the point-of-sale. 10 cents more when you buy your soda pop, french fries, burger and ice-cream. That 10 cent’s gives us universal healthcare for all obesity related services – for free. 

Americans eat such a massive amount of junk food that it only cost 10 cent once divide between all our snacks. 

And no, this is not a sin-tax. It’s not priced by corrupt politicians, nor given over to state budgets. It’s your insurance premium. Pay-as-you-go, at the point-of-sale. 

Now to be clear. Raghu-nomics is not pushing this as policy. We simply use this as a Working Model. It is a beautiful demonstration how affordable the premiums, how easy the budgeting, how effective the solution - once we try this approach to Lifestyle Markets. We are selling this approach of Lifestyle Markets, rather than the proposal for these premiums. 

These are working models to build a new conversation around. Thousands will offer their own ideas. New ideas bred upon a new paradigm that is Lifestyle Markets. Raghu-nomics is about Lifestyle Markets rather than any specific proposal for them. They are but the details to this larger picture. Simply said: we just found the back door to America’ s healthcare crisis.

Welcome to Lifestyle Markets. 

Raghu-nomics has 5 books on Lifestyle Insurance. The latest is ready for the final edits. 

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