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Copy of Raghu 4 Senate Chapter 3

Cain Palmer • Aug 01, 2024

Chapter 3 

Advantage 3: 

Neutral Platform of Number Crunching

You may have guessed the punchline. These recommendations will force a whole new kind of conversation. America really needs this new dialogue because that is where we get to find the diamonds laying in the rocks of coal. That will be our success. 

Raghu-nomics shows how relatively simple adjustments offer these dramatic improvements. This has a lot to do with how much low-lying fruit we have for easy picking. The absurdity of today’s dysfunction happens to be its advantage because such little efforts offer such big results. 

Most are simple recommendations. You will recognize your own ideas in them. They are taken of our collective wisdom as a nation. Today, they rise, buried no longer by the hate and recrimination of today’s conflict politics. 

We beget a new approach to an old problem.

And so to our other advantage: 

Raghu-nomics gives us a neutral platform to discuss our issues. Conflict politics of the day no longer to derail our conversation. These are not campaign promises, but those of stoic business plans. It’s the number crunching of nerds. America’s creative entrepreneurial spirit now has a safe space for public policy discourse – at long last. That is Raghu-nomics. Come work and play in this trauma-free zone without the hate of ideologues and media. 

Details at 

Chapter 4 

Advantage 4 

Breaking the Impossible with the Genie of your Wish

We are looking for those of interest to join us in finalizing these Raghu-nomics projects. That can be a friend, academic institute, political group or investment firm. Our campaign is to take these policy reforms out for a test run and find our working team. 

It will hardly take a few thousand voters joining in to stir the country’s imagination. Markets will rally to the opportunities. Politicians will scramble to jump aboard this new generation of policy and reform. 

*Your Vote makes the difference. 

Your voice can now talk as one people through this microphone of democracy as so intended by our founding forefathers. Simply speak your wish.

Would you like to see more Raghu-nomics? 

Say it and it shall be. 

It’s really, just that simple. 

Raghu-nomics is your genie. You need but ask and your wish will be the command of politicians, stir biz interest, grab media attention, entice academia and unleash nerds upon these millennia of quandaries.

The modern world is built upon tech and engineering. Nerds are the superheroes of that civilization. Raghu-nomics hands them working models over to their sport of creative genius. They front as Clark Kent office drones, but once taken from the closet (and phone booth), nerds will devour these seemingly impossible into a thousand new possibilities. Let’s get this out to them. 

And to the final advantage. Raghu-nomics breaks the impossible with working models that suddenly have us believing once again. 

Leverage Debt Reduction is a great example. All the experts insist America can never pay off its $35 trillion Debt. The RADHA Mortgage just knocked off $15 trillion. 50% gone. Just like that. 

Experts tell you all the reasons why something can’t be done. Leaders tell all the ways you can. This is the special gift Raghu-noimcs offers the nation. Suddenly, the conversation is no longer about all the things we can’t do, all the people we must hate and the prep for the end now upon us, but rather we now get to talk about all the things we can do -  today. 

America has lost its way and the faith it takes to find it. I’m a man of faith. Not a politician, nor economist, nor activist. I’m an ol preacher boy with little more than the small village education of a Brajbasi. There, the gifts are those of faith, joy and clarity of purpose. I offer those today as my Guru Maharaj has so directed for this is his legacy you hear in my offering today. 

The prediction of Srila Prabhupada’s legacy: to save the world in its darkest hour and it is to that end I work here now. I have no other consul or solace other than my Guru Maharaj’s blessings. 

I stand of no means, status, education or influence, but I offer that gift Prabhupada gave my as a child – the belief to break the impossible. From there, all becomes possible. That is Raghu-nomics. 

Raghu-nomics is more treasure hunter than thinktank. We excavate the grand possibilities hiding there in plain site(*) of today’s so called crisis. This is not about votes or policy, but the joy and wonder found in these new worlds of possibilities. We need but take a second look in the dialogue of celebration of America’s best as a country, ourselves and the values we cherish most.

Welcome to Raghu-nomics and this Raghu 4 US Senate. 

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