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12 Steps to Israeli-Palestinian Peace Bridge To Peace

Raghu Giuffre • Oct 30, 2023

12 Steps to Israeli-Palestinian Peace

PIPI: Palestinian Israeli Peace Initiative  

Bridge To Peace

1) Egypt Land = 2,500 sq m

Egypt provides 2,500 square miles of the Sinai Peninsula for the New Palestine to the residence of the Gaza Strip. 

A) 2,500 miles is 100 x greater than the 25 miles long ‘Strip’ of Gaza while its just 10% of the Sinai Peninsula and only 0.05% of all Egypt’s entire national land mass. It personifies how so little from the Arab states translates into an exponential gift for the Palestinians.

B) Sinai is sparsely populated with just 600,000 people over nearly 25,000 miles = 25 people per square mile. A New Palestine is representative of the kinds of economic developments that is long overdue for building out such a sparsely populated area and will now be done with a committed, hardworking people. The Palestinian-Israel conflict simply added the urgency and opportunity for this level of development – and the immediacy and relevancy of it. 

C) The Sinai was captured by Israel when Egypt attacked them. The Jews returned the entire Peninsula back to Egypt in their commitment to peace with Egypt and the Palestinians. The Sinai is 3 x times large then Israel. That is a 300% commitment to peace by Israel against their own size. Egypt has not given even an inch of this land over for Palestinians. That changes today. 

D) The Sinai remains one of the only territories in the world that was actually dedicated to peace as the terms of its new founding and as an extension of the contract to and agreements between nations. Today, we Bridged that founding to a new world at long last. 

E) The Palestinian-Israel conflict is always framed as a fight over land, but actually, these wars were over town centers that grew around water. They are actually water wars guised as land disputes. Modern day allows us to bring the waters and even the sea to us, and so, these so called arid lands can now be transformed into the finest of magical kingdoms. Las Vegas, Gulf States, etc. Therefore, those places of no interest become the exciting promise land for those with the experience with technologies and resources of the modern day. Such new found opportunities will impact seeming intractable disputes as increasingly irrelevant. This Palestine-Israeli dispute is but the first of many to come. 

F) Jews demonstrated this in the early founding of their nation. Jews appeared to have had the largest share of the land, but actually, the Palestinians got all the lands they favored most – those by the sea and ocean. The Jews took and developed most all those forsaken by Palestinians. Now Palestinians can do the same of the Sinai. Israel can help them. 

2) Jordon Land = 2,000 sq m

Jordon dedicates 2,000 square miles for the 2 million Palestinians of their country. 

A) This is just 5% of Jordon’s total land mass. 

B) Al Mudawwar on the Southeastern boarder of Jordan and Saudi Arabia is our suggestion – advantages explained bellow. 

3) Saudi Arabia Land = 4,000 sq m (total = 8,500 sq mi for Pals)

Saudi Arabia offers a 2 for 1 match for an additional 4,000 square miles. 

A) This will be conjoined to the 2,000 sq ml set aside by Jordan.

B) This hands Palestinians a total of 8,500 square miles of new lands between these 3 land apportionments. That equals the entire land mass of Israel.

4) Syria & Lebanon Land: Palestinian Total = 12,000 sq m

Syria and Lebanon offer similar allotments for their own Palestinian refugees. 

A) This followed with requests for similar land contributions from Syria and Lebanon for their own Palestinians refugees as well. This takes the total land dedicated to the Palestinian cause to about 10,000 square miles. 

B) Saudi Arabia may consider an additional 2,000 sq ml, and Egypt may consider another 1,000 square miles for a total 13,000 sq ml. Incentives explained later. 

C) Israel gave 300% in land as compared to that of their own nations size. Can these Arab nations match even 0.5% of their land? Provides an important contrast to the commitment to peace between them. 

5) The Wall = the Bridge to Peace

The Crown Prince MBS relocate his 100-mile long ‘Mirror Wall’ from Neom, Saudi Arabia, and instead build it the width of the Sinai Peninsula from the Mediterranean to the Sea of Aqaba.  The Wall is now the Bridge to Peace between Europe of the Mediterranean Sea that connects to the Middle East with Saudi Arabia as the hub between Europe and Asia.


A) Building that same 100-mile city over in the Sinai converts the project from a ‘Wall’ and into a Bridge. The longest city now serving as the Corridor of Civilizations between the East and West. 

B) The Palestinians but the first intractable conflicts of the Centuries now reset into newfound partnerships of common cause and prosperity over those old ways of death and destruction. 

C) Palestinians now front and center to a multi-trillion-dollar development. They are partners in the Sinai as well as at the mouth where the Bridge opens to Saudi Arabia. That is where the Village of Al Mudawwar (Jordon’s donated land) is located. 

6) $2 Trillion Cost by USA = $100 Per Barrel of Oil

America will sponsor the $2 trillion price tag of the Bridge in increments of $100 per barrel of Saudi oil. $50 of this goes towards America’s equity stake in the Bridge to Peace. 

A) The world is filled with a (half) trillion in unfinished projects – especially the Middle East. Often, this is due to sudden economic downturns and so drying up funds and leaving the projects shutdown. Forecasts are for the next recession/depression – soon - and with it, the fall of oil prices too. Saudi’s will take a hit. This contract with the US allows Saudis a guarantee of stable revenues at top market prices while also securing a top buyer/investor to help jump start their Bridge project – the USA. 

B) This also requires the US to buy as much oil as required to meet each phase of the Saudi’s projects development. In return, Saudi Arabia will provide as much or as little oil as the US requests. This will stabilize the energy needs for US partners from Europe to Asia. America has just re-secured its role as cheap oil provider to the Petro Dollar nations of the world. 

C) Prince MBS estimates the cost at $300 billion and to be completed by 2030 – that is just 6 years from now. Critics give it 50 years and $1 trillion. We expect it to take $2 trillion if it is to meet its 6-year deadline. That’s $300 billion a year and close to US / Europe’s annual energy needs from the Saudi side. It’s a good match of assets, to price, to investment. 

D) A $2 trillion project means a cost of $50 to $150 per square foot. The appraised value of this real estate project likely starts at double this - once it goes to market. This means the US is getting the equivalent of its $100 per barrel of oil back = free oil. If the real estate prices are higher, likely, it means the US just made a profit off its oil purchase - as well. Potentially walking off with a 3-to-5-fold profit from the Bridge deal. 

7) Egypt Incentive: GDP Doubled – Instantly

Egypt will now double the size of its economy in mere months. 

A) Egypt will now be party to a $2 trillion a project for little more than a sliver of land with little population and economic activity. The $2 trillion price for the Bridge is over 6 years = $300 billion a year. Compare this to Egypt’s present $400 billion GDP = $700 billion. Egypt just doubled its GDP. And this does not account for the auxiliary economic activity generated from this project. Likely double the price tag. Great deal for Egypt. 

8) Egypt-Saudi = Continental Trifecta Convergence aka Afro-Euro-Mid-East

Egypt can leverage the Bridge to Peace into the Gateway to Africa. 

A) The Bridge brings into focus the ‘Middle’ of the Middle East. The Sinai Peninsula is specifically the land bridge between the 3 Continents of Europe, Africa, Asia and Europe. Egypt can now leverage the thoroughfare of the Bridge to become the official Gateway to Africa between these 3 Continents. 

B) El-Sisi is facing elections this coming December. This allows him a new nation for the Palestinians, a new role for Egypt: Gateway to Africa and a new economy – double the present GDP. 

9) Saudi Arabia – The New Persian Gulf 

Saudi land bridge for the Gulf states to supply Europe via its Bridge to Peace. 

A) 20% of the world’s oil passes through the Persian Gulf everyday – 20 million barrels = 1 billion tons a year(?) or $400 billion. This has been threatened for much of the last 40 years by Iran’s never-ending conflicts with any of a (half) dozen enemies. The Gulf states can now sidestep Iranian belligerence by redirecting their shipments via Saudi Arabia Landbridge to Europe. Saudi Arabia can offer secure passage with this new partnership of economic prosperity for all the Gulf States. 

B) The Suez Canal offers Egypt $10 billion a year. Saudi Arabia will convert those revenues into an entire City State as a corridor between these 3 Civilizations of Europe and the Middle East with those of Africa. The tourism that Gulf States are working to build face continue peril from Iran’s belligerence. They can now move the delights of their kingdoms directly over to Europe there in the Mediterranean’s Bridge to Peace. It’s where the Gulf States can now meet at the Mediterranean. 3 hour flights to Sinai vs 7 hours to Gulf.

C) Egypt will be trading in some of their $10 billion Suez revenues for the $2 trillion development = 2,000% trade-up. 

D) The Bridge to Peace has a far greater range of functions over its counterpart as the Mirror Wall in Neom and therefore, it will generate exponentially more revenues in the Sinai as a corridor vs a ‘Line.’ 

10) India: New Silk Road = Mag-Lev and Tunnels vs Belt and Road 

The new land bridge of Saudi Arabia would allow India to serve as the hub of a new Silk Road to the Indo-China and Pacific Asian nations. Built upon the cutting edge tech of MagLev Trains and railed to the ports of West India. From there shipped to Saudi Arabia via Oman. 

A) Magnetic Levitation Trains, aka MegLev, may well become the new ships of the 21st Century. Can Economies-of-Scale reduce costs deep enough to become price competitive with today’s container ships? 

B) That volume starts with the 1 billion (?) tons of oil shipped via the Persian Gulf every year.

C) Multiply that with additional goods and services to be transported East/West.

D) Multiply that further with a new Belt & Road corridor running via India throughout all the nations of the Indo-China and Asian Pacific nations. 

E) One rail would run from India via Burma, down through Thailand to Singapore, with another to Vietnam and Laos. The whole of the Indo-China and Asian Pacific nations tied into a single corridor of goods and services with those of tourism and other misc. travel. 

F) Add to that a good portion of the $3.5 trillion of the goods shipped via the South China Sea.

G) This MegLev line would reduce shipping times to Europe for these countries by as much as 95%. 

H) There is also the time-value-of-money to further offset cost. 

I) China is proving ever more belligerent and the threat to the $3.5 trillion in trade going through the region with the growing grief for neighboring countries. Most of these Indo-China-Pacific nations would much prefer to partner with India over the mercurial tantrums of China. This MegLev & Tunnels will allow them to sidestep China. 

J) Nations from across Asia, led by India, as well as the West, led by the US, are looking for a counter-alternative to the social-economic and political power the Belt and Road provides to China. This MagLev Corridor provides that while positioning India to now become the hub of this new Indo-Asian-Pacific Alliance. 

K) The geo-topographic mapping of the world sets this MagLev Corridor as a first choice. It so happens this it makes for the geo-political preference a bonus.

11) Saudi Arabia = The New China 

Saudi Arabia is center the 3 continents of Africa, Asia and Europe. Bridge to Peace activates the natural function this offers as a depot for these 3 different worlds to meet and transact. Access to the resources of each continent positions Saudi Arabia to become hub for manufacturing, tech and labor-intensive production. Saudi Arabia: the New China. 

A) China’s Belt & Road is based upon bringing the world to China with their imperial assumption that they are the center of world trade. The early years of China’s explosive growth in every aera of the modern day gave the impression that they are the center to the developing world. However, we are now discovering that many of these developments can be duplicated in most nations. This leaves the geographical advantages becoming more relevant as a deciding factor to where the hubs of international production and trade should be focused. Technology is the great equalizer and so the growing advantages we find of Saudi Arabia’s central geographic place now coming into focus. If politics were taken out of the equation, Saudi Arabia is the obvious choice by way of ease of access to the rest of the resources of Asia, Europe and the Middle Ease alongside those of travel time and other such logistics. 

B) India similarly comes into focus as the obvious stop between Indo-China-Pacific nations on their way to the Middle East, Africa & Europe. There between India and Saudi Arabia are the nations of war, political antagonism and social-economic instability that make develop and partnerships excruciating difficult. But even putting these aside, China is a bit far North as to actually be a detour for the natural flow to the convenience of this corridor. It’s just a bonus that the nations of these regions area also happen to be far easier to partner with. 

12) No One Wants War = Will Love New Possibilities

A rare occasion in the long history of this region where all the main players want to avoid war. We find all the powerbrokers showing different levels of restraint. The prospects of the Bridge to Peace offers the preferred choice to the coming death trap of this growing conflict. The Bridge to Peace demonstrates the kinds of treasures to be found in the ways of peace and those of partnership to prosperity. 

A) All the players of this conflict are facing their own sliding social economic troubles that a war will only worsen. Each is struggling to also secure a host of coming development opportunities that they have been in the making for years – decades. They don’t want to lose that momentum – in addition to avoiding war. The Bridge to Peace personifies the best of their hopes to greater better development and prosperity. More details for those interested. 

Bonus: Turn-key Foreign Policy for US of the 21st Century

The US has not found a clearly defined role of relevancy to Asia and the platform to its foreign policy for Asia. This MegLev Corridor provides a strong starting place and from it, a host of other accompanying areas of political and social economic functions and outreach to build upon. It accomplishes many of the present areas of concern from bringing Asia into a Western led fold while rebalancing China and Russia’s influence outside military conflicts. 

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