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V2 - Chapter 7 - US Owes Ukraine Protection for Peace Deal So Does Russia, China, France & England

Raghu Giuffre • October 20, 2023

1) And now for the Fourth Absurd Argument:

Putin, much like America’s critics, say the US will retaliate if Russia ever dared

venture into Mexico or other countries on our borders.

How blind they are.

Russia is on America’s border. It’s called Alaska. Somehow critics forgets

about that little piece of Americana. Everything Russia says of the Ukraine is a cut

and paste of what America should be saying of Putin in Alaska and the Arctic.

Somehow, everyone missed this beautiful vision Putin has given for us in the

Artic. It’s Ukraine. 9.0. Sort of the same as Ukraine, but just a whole lot more

nukes and subs. Nuclear subs. Gets even better. Putin has next generation nuclear

missiles. Greatest the world has ever seen. Going in by the end of this very year.

Putin’s gift of terror just keeps on giving.

And, oh yeah, there’s Cuba. Right there on the other side of America – our

other border. Yes, completely surrounded by Russian aggression. Still, not a peep

out of America with Putin’s acts of aggression on our borders. In fact, American

didn’t retaliate even after the fall of the USSR.

Russia has been in Cuba for about 70 years now. America DID NOT threaten

nuclear war until Russia tried to put nuclear weapons in Cuba. Even then, settled


America is the exact opposite of Putin – that way. People forget, America took

all the nuclear weapons out of Ukraine.


Well, actually, America did this when Russia was at their most vulnerable – just

after the fall of the USSR. America did not invade Russia. Instead, America saved

Russia. We removed Russia’s greatest nuclear threat of the day. That happened to

be Ukraine’s nuclear weapons.

Why did America do this?

It was the perfect time invade Russia.

Well, America DID NOT invade for one simple reason:

America has no interest in invading Russia. That’s just Stalinist paranoia and

very sloppy propaganda.

Here’s an interesting little trend. Putin screams about American military

incursion. Low and behold, he’s off invading another country. Listen carefully,

because talk of American hegemony means Russian tanks are coming to a country

near you. It’s this great little propaganda ruse. Works every time.

And so back to this nuclear deal with Ukraine. Russia said, give us your nukes

and we will never invade you.

Full stop. No exceptions. No buts. Nazis never made the list, nor of Russian

nationals and their war of independence. NATO was nowhere to been seen on the

list - either. Not even those territorial claims Russia has upon Crimea. Nope, none

of them ever mentioned.

Of course, Russia changed the terms just a few years later. Dozens of new

demands making their way onto Putin’s Christmas list. A few more every couple

years. Putin talks of the West breaking agreements, but somehow, he flaunts

most each one Russia has ever made. And does so with such pride.

Where should we begin counting?

No matter Putin’s betrayal, America was also there. American gave full

reassurance. Ukraine’s 2,000 missiles in exchanged for this guarantee that Russian

will never invade. Simple. Straightforward. American.

Who do you think got those 2,000 nukes?

(It was actually 1,700 nukes, but too much a tongue twister for me say for


Well, actually, it was Russia. Russia walked off with ALL 2,000 nukes. Free. No

price, but one. Don’t invade Ukraine. That’s it.

America took those nukes from Ukraine and just handed them over to Russia.

Russia was so very thankful. They signed. No invasion pact. Scouts honor. And

that of France, China and England too. All party to this agreement.

Of course, Putin must betray this peace deal with Ukraine or else what kind of

dictator would he be? Well, there’s America. They also are looking for wiggle

room out. And yet, Ukraine did this upon America’s request, completed this upon

American prodding and committed to this peace deal because of American

reassurances. Again, it was a deal. A peace deal.

Today, that obligation calls out to America. It’s there, ever louder between all

the bombing, all the horror and all the killings. This deal is bonded and signed by

America and Russia in that great contract of moral authority and that currency of

international relations we call political obligation. America, you owe it to Ukraine.

Russia – so do you. And France. And China. And England. All signatories to this

Deal for Peace. Ukraine Nukes For Russian Peace. Today, we simple reverse that:

Russian Nukes for Ukraine.

America, it’s time for you to pay just as Ukraine did those years ago. They gave

their up nukes in the name of Russia’s safety. But really, they did it in the name of

that partnership of American reassurance.

Today, we need honor Russia’s peace agreement with Ukraine. This time, it’s not

in the name of Ukraine sovereignty. It’s for nothing less than their very survival as

a nation, as a culture and even as a people. America, now its your turn to stand 

and deliver on YOUR DEAL. This is the other side of your Peace Deal with Russia.

Time for you to work out those details – WITH RUSSIA. Welcome to the meaning

and price of a DEAL. A PEACE DEAL. YOUR DEAL - America. Oh, sorry, I mean, your

deal Russia – too.

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