Memorial & Writing
Nuclear Holocaust has always been Putin’s magic sauce to most any dispute.
Most people have some sense of it, but not clear enough to realize: we have
actually been living under some form of nuclear threat for years now. Maybe
That’s the story of Crimea, don’t want Russia to go all nuclear on us.
That’s the story of Georgia. We all stood by, kept our horror to ourselves, as
Putin crushed a beautiful European democracy. Tens of thousands slaughtered.
Just another day at the office for Putin.
And then there’s Syria, Turkey, Chechnya, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Kazakhstan, and now Ukraine, all hit with war by Putin. Soldiers came, tanks there
on standby or fire power. And of course, that gentle reminder, nukes just yonder.
There and ready should Putin stop being such a nice guy. So stop fighting before
Putin gets really pissed and just nukes your ass. Ukraine, same script. Of course,
each and every time, it’s always done – always - to stop some new foreign
meddling. America, NATO, Muslims, Turkey…etc, etc and etc.
But now, it gets even better. Putin has uncovered a whole new set of
warmongers: Sweden, Finland, England, Poland, Norway, Lithuania, and
now…wait for it…drum roll: Canada. Each now making Putin’s hit list - too. Most
of them, in just the last month or two. By name.
Another day, another country. Yes, just like everyone says of America.
Somehow everyone talks of American Warmongering, but we don’t really hear
that of Putin. ‘There he is, a man of the Russian people, just valiantly protecting
his borders, and rightfully so.’ Or so goes Russian propaganda and those caught in
its wake.
That is one of Putin’s magic superpowers actually:
There he sits, invisible as the GREATEST THREAT TO ALL LIFE ON EARTH.
More specifically, Putin has just normalized nuclear holocaust. He talks of it
like any other conventional war.
Well, Putin thinks of his nukes the way old tyrants thought of tanks, planes and
missiles. New territory of conquest. Well, we got nukes for that. Disputes with
neighbors, well, we got nukes for that too and so it goes his thinking.
Nukes are no longer a deterrent. They are NOT DEFENSIVE. They are
OFFENSIVE. They are used to LEAD THE CHARGE INTO WAR. We see this of
Ukraine. Putin pre-planned nukes – should things go sideways. It’s not a
contingency plan. It is the plan.
Of course, everyone knew this. Understood from day 1. Russian tanks rumbling
over the horizon into Ukraine. Well, if you look close enough, you might even see
the nukes right there behind them. Already to launch should any nation dare help
Russian Sovereignty.
Ukraine belongs to Russia. It’s much like Canada, Norway, Sweden and
Finland. Each now finding their sovereignty getting muscled by Putin’s growing
‘territory disputes’ in the Artic. Sorry, it’s no longer a dispute. Let’s correct that.
It’s now part of that all-purpose: ‘Existential Threat.’ ‘
Existential threat means Putin holds the right to nuke your country. Those
claims sound much the same as those upon Chechnya, Georgia, Turkmenistan,
and all the Central Asian countries. Oh yeah, let’s not forget Japan, China or those
of Syria, Iraq, and the list goes and grows longer by the year, by the month, by the
day. There behind everyone of theses dispute, Putin just playfully dangling his
nukes. The message always understood by each and every one of these nations –
‘existential threat’ is code for nuclear war.
See how it sounds if American did the same. There we are fighting in Iraq. Of
course, Iran jumps in and leads the charge. They successfully slaughtered some 1
250,000 American soldiers – if you include the suicides and others. Now imagine
American telling Iran: ‘We will nuke you Iran. You better not send any more
troops.’ Or, imagine doing the same with Pakistan. If they dare support Afghan
rebels fighting against America’s military intervention, we will nuke you.
Suddenly, everyone in the world would say that America is starting a nuclear
war with Iran and Pakistan. Putin gets a special pass though. Putin threatened
nuclear war and, well, it’s Europe, NATO and American starting a nuclear war.
Funny how that works.
In America’s case, we accepted the loss of trillions in treasury and the half
million lives maimed and buried. American accepted this crushing defeat. We
blamed ourselves – our politically leaders rather than threatening to nuke Russia,
Syria, Iran, Lebanon and all the others behind decimating American forces.
We have never seen this before. Nukes have never been used as the lead in
any and every regional dispute and then combined as a global military offensive.
Hence: we state Putin to be ‘the greatest threat to all life on earth.’
More dictators joining in celebration of Putin’s great call for nukes. Nukes are
the new norm of diplomacy – at least for Putin’s Band of Dictators. It’s not just N
Korea anymore. Belarus calling for nuclear war just this week. Russia’s generals
calling for the same. Iran joining in the call. Putin’s orchestra in his siren seduction
for nuclear war. He rings it ever louder, does so more often and done with ever
greater ease.
Hundreds of fly-by air confrontations and those of land, sea, and the rest. Behind
each of these, Putin proudly dangling nukes. Today’s special: Nuclear Holocaust.
Same again tomorrow and of course, just like last week - until Putin finally gets
HIS nuclear war. This is how it ends. Putin’s Nuclear War.
1 Counting vet suicides and homicides. They have been conveniently left out of the final count as the true cost of
lives lost to war.
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