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V2 - Chapter 8 - Saving Petro-Dollar & Nuclear Confrontation You Only Get One Shot At This

Cain Palmer • Oct 20, 2023

Maybe there is something missed here in my little presentation, a central

detail to all the moving parts of these foreign policy issues. Or maybe, a

miscalculation in my estimates on the coming fall of the Petro-Dollar. Maybe!?

UNLIKELY, but just maybe.

Or…there are those growing numbers who feel the time has come in the

natural process of China and Russia finally taking the lead - at last. They may be

right. That time for Putin and Xi, the captain of this new era. I don’t disagree – PER


The point is that we only get one shot at this. Saving the Petro-Dollar is a

onetime event. No nation has ever recovered their place as the global reserve

currency - once lost.

That is even more true of nuclear confrontation. This is not a call to save

Ukraine, or to save the Petro-Dollar or even to stand and fight Russia.

I simply press the issue so that the full ramifications are understood - clearly.

We can then decide upon the course of action to the gravity of these challenges

upon us. In other words, I’m asking for a better diagnosis. Once assessed, we can

then debate the prescription. I make the case that our present diagnosis is wrong.

I maybe wrong, but plead that you make sure you are indeed right because we

only get one shot at this.

Most fail to see that this about more than some far flung war in the name of

sovereignty, NATO or calls against colonial oppression and all Putin’s war crimes

of aggression. Here’s the broader picture missing from today’s discussion.

I only request:

Please see that we now play the odds of survival. The stakes are all those of

this entire civilization of democracy and capitalism. The Petro Dollar is but the

first to go. The true impact is upon all those of its trading platform.

It holds most the worlds’ democracies who draw upon it for their survival. In

its place will now stand, Putin, the Victor of Ukraine. He will formalize the Stalinist

Reign as the new global order. It will be led by those bred upon the doctrine of

dictators, oppression, and with an eye of malice for the end to freedom and


Decide what that means for you, and if that is the world you wish to live, for

today, that is the choice you hold. Few have ever found themselves in such the

juncture of history. What you do now decides the fate of billions of your fellow

man, women and child here on after.

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