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Chapter 4 - Trade Putin Nukes for Ukraine

Raghu Giuffre • Oct 03, 2023

Trade Putin Nukes for Ukraine

25) Putin’s Nukes for Ukraine

Recognizing that America just won the conventional war in Ukraine is a really – REALLY - big deal. We are now smack center this Roadmap to Peace.

Putin Supporters start and end all arguments with this single accusation. America is starting WWIII. All because of Ukraine. They scream it each and every day. America is starting WWIII.

Putin has repeatedly inferred the same. Here’s where our Roadmap to Peace finds its SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION. We found the critical missing piece of this debate. Please look to the other side of Putin’s coin.

The flipside is that Putin won’t nuke the world if he gets Ukraine. That’s HIS offer. And, that offer can sound pretty good: Ukraine in exchange for obliteration. WOW. Count me in on that deal.

Now, if that’s the deal, well then, Putin really should say so – SPECIFICALLY. The funny thing is that Putin never actually said that. Putin Supports don’t even say it. They too ONLY imply it, much as Putin does. Our Roadmap to Peace changes that and in so doing, we find the distinctive gift of our Roadmap to this Peace.

Our Roadmap requires Putin to remove all other nuclear threats - forever more. In other words, Putin just used his Ace Card of Nukes. Can’t go and use it again. If Putin wants to use his Card of Nukes for Ukraine, fine, but he can’t then go and use it again, and again, and again for some new war. And there are lots more for Putin to fight. No double dipping here. Not for

Taiwan or N Korea, nor Iran, Serbia, Syria, North Pole, Kaliningrad and the many others he infers this same threat repeatedly – just this last decade alone.

Yeap, Putin has lots of places around the world just like Ukraine. Turns out that Ukraine is really just one of dozens of such nuclear war zones. Zelensky is the first person to turn Putin’s nuclear option into a one-time deal.

Putin has repeatedly inferred nuking the world for Ukraine. But how odd. Putin has never actually told us that the world is safe if he gets Ukraine. That’s the implied deal. It’s time for Putin to say it – that simply – clearly.

In short, Putin is exchanging Nukes for Ukraine. That’s the heart of any deal - his deal. If that is not the deal, then what is Putin actually offering?

Why would America agree to leave Ukraine if we don’t get to walk away from WWIII?

It can sound a bit flippant to ask Putin to trade nukes for Ukraine, but that’s the implied deal Putin has been offering ever since the beginning of his war. Great. Let’s have it then.

Putin inadvertently walked himself into this trade. The point is that the world needs the equivalent guarantee – the end of nuclear threats from Russia – FOR UKRAINE. No exceptions.

Putin gets Ukraine, the world gets peace. No more nuclear war. That’s the deal Putin is offering.

26) No Escape from Putin’s WWIII

Zelensky’s success in Ukraine has made such demands of Putin possible – for the first time - ever. The best of Putin’s military has been lulled by Zelensky far from Russia. They now wait there for easy pickings by American planes and missiles. The whole of his army – tanks, planes, soldiers, and all the logistical supports. Just basic target practice to any American attack.

This is where the camera shot would pan to a standing ovation for Zelensky. Zelensky offered American so much more than some tactical advantage in Ukraine. Putin’s military has become America’s ‘shooting fish in a barrel.’

That’s the Ace of Peace card Zelensky just handed America. Peace through strength. Reagan’s doctrine. Just delivered by Zelensky.

It’s quite unlikely that America will ever again see anything close to this same advantage over Putin. Time to play this Ace Card of Peace – today.

Putin Nukes for Ukraine.

Anything less means Putin can – sorry, PUTIN WILL – turn around and threaten nuclear war all over again. Next time, it will be in the name of Iran; or for his new conquest in the N Pole, or for his buddy in N Korea – or for his new overlord China to take Taiwan? That means leaving Ukraine never bought us that magic ticket to peace. We never escaped nuclear war – as Putin and his Supporters have left us to believe.

What’s the point then?

What’s the incentive to leave Ukraine if we don’t buy ourselves freedom from Putin’s nuclear threat?

Does Putin have something else that’s commensurate?

Putin will follow us, but with greater threats of WWIII. No matter where we try and run. Today its Ukraine. Tomorrow N Korea. Kim just firing missiles at us here in Hawaii - repeatedly. Should we dare respond – well, Putin is there for Kiim. Putin is fine offering up his nukes for Kim. How bout those same nukes for Ukraine?

Think about it. Putin is ready to destroy the entire planet – most all life on earth - just to keep Ukraine. That sounds like a really big commitment. Great.

Destroy all the world for Ukraine, how bout destroying his nukes for  Ukraine? Putin would for Kim. It’s the other side of Putin’s coin. He coined it himself. Our Roadmap just turned that coin over. Putin finally gets to see that other side – for the first time.

Does Ukraine really mean that much to Putin?

Is Putin ready to trade nuclear war for Ukraine?

Today we ask the same.

Putin Nukes for Ukraine.

Most would probably go for that deal.

And so our request to Coronel McGregor and Tucker. Please ask Putin for this same deal in your call for peace.

Ask Putin if he would trade his nukes for Ukraine – or at least some equivalent thereof?

If not, what is Putin actually offering?

Please confirm. With him. Putin

If he takes your call it, it means he may consider it. If you don’t hear back from him, Putin is not interested in this deal – his deal – Ukraine for nukes.

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