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Chapter 5 - Brokers of a False Peace & Nuke-Mongering

Raghu Giuffre • Oct 03, 2023

Brokers of a False Peace & Nuke-Mongering

27) Brokers of a False Peace & Nuke-mongering

Behold my friends. The great hoax of this war and those of Putin and his Supporters.

The Putin Promise: Save the World from WWIII.

Putin’s Price: Hand Ukraine over to Russia.

Please know, that’s not the Peace Deal Putin intends. It was never in the cards of Putin’s deck. Always implied, but never delivered or even stated. Worst still, Ukraine is but one country, one issue, and not even the latest, to the many more Putin will threaten nuclear war - for.

Somehow, after 2 years and tens of millions of war reviews, hardly a single mention to this rather simple and obvious. We don’t get to skip WWIII for Ukraine – under Putin’s present terms. We but postpone it – ONLY.

How did they ever miss such a critical detail of this war and the Putin Peace?

Our Roadmap to Peace is the first to pry open this small detail. We did this by uncovering the real secret behind the function nukes play in any offer of the Putin Peace. Once recognized, this looks a defining principle of the Putin Era. We refer to this as Nuke-mongering.

We all heard of warmongering. It’s like the common cold of most any politician. A seeming oath to the world’s elites given how standard warmongering is to politics of the day. Monsters we say of them. Well, Nuke-mongering is next level war- monster.

Nuke-mongering is a class all its own. A special club. There’s Kim of N Korea with his daily updates about nuking the world for any of dozen reasons. Sometimes Pakistan with India, but Putin is King of Nukes.

Nuke-mongering means to lead with nukes for war and,

often, diplomacy too.

For example, behind every incursion, we find Putin’s nukes shining forth like Russia’s ‘coat of arms’ - the family crest. Putin has this special gift for every player of a given battle to discover that they too, will be nuked – should Putin lose the war.

The war of Ukraine is but the latest of this Putin formula. And for good reason. Easy conquest of many countries. All the while, the world held to look on helpless by and for the power vested in the family crest of nukes. One nation after another crushed under Putin’s unrelenting march - for decades now. Yes, we need list all the nations lost to Nuke-mongering.

Nukes are not something of Putin’s final solution. More like Russia’s pre-launch and marketing program to most all foreign policy disputes. Held up for most any military foray and often, even routine diplomatic confrontations.

Putin has dramatically expanded the definitions of, and the uses for, this old Cold War policy. They called it Nuclear Deterrence. It no longer means protecting your borders. Now, its more about forestalling the world from responding to any military provocation – starting with those just outside your borders.

This is the difference between the US and Putin. America leads with its conventional forces. Putin leads with nukes. That is Nuke-mongering.

For example, America was getting hammered in Iraq. Led and sponsored by Iran. America never turned and threaten Iran with nuclear obliteration. No matter how devastating Iran’s attacks upon US forces. No nuclear threat stated or even suggested.

America never threatened Assad with nukes for defending his Syrian nation against US invasion. America did not threaten Pakistan for arming the Taliban against US forces in Afghanistan. Not even implied. The US lost each of those wars. America took the hits, licked its wounds and went slumbering off.

Ukraine is one of many nations left overrun by Putin Nuke-mongering, but Zelensky is the first to break the back of this Putin Formula. Zelensky called Putin’s bluff - of sorts. Putin’s Nuclear Deterrence as the weapon of conquest is no longer working. NATO and America are becoming ever more non- responsive to Putin’s threats of nuclear war.

And so, we find Nuclear Deterrence losing its touch as the all-purpose weapon for growing numbers of tyrants. Nuclear Deterrence does not seem to be Deterring any more.

Behold this moment. Putin’s magic wand of foreign policy and conquest just lost its magic. And so to the most historic of any question:

Are we witness, did we just find the demarcation, to that end of Nuclear war as a functional weapon of a 21 st Century world?

We build upon this theme over the coming chapters by outlining the 5 factors that look to retire nuclear war for ever more.

Welcome to our Roadmap to Peace: nuclear war as a thing of the past.

This is the Ace of Peace cards. Zelensky just handed it to the world. We may be getting ahead of ourselves, but here is what we can say. Zelensky is poised to demand Putin to never again threaten nuclear war – after Ukraine. That ends today – should we accept this card of Peace from Zelensky.

The terror, of Putin’s nuclear holocaust, is from the old world of his Soviet roots. Putin has laid this upon most all other issues of the modern world. This ride may have found its last train stop there in Ukraine – should we care to honor the sacrifice of Ukraine’s bravest.

Let’s take one more look at Putin Nuke-mongering. Canada - Exhibit A.

Putin Supporters scream of US intrusion upon Russia’s border there in Ukraine. Somehow, never do they mention Russia on the US - Canadian Alaskan border - there in the N Pole.

Putin has placed there the very best of Russian nukes. Those damn Canadians are at it again - antagonizing Putin – AGAIN. They insist on living in Canada - again. Canada demands the greatest nuclear readiness in history – at least judging by Putin’s 20 + military bases. And so we see the same old Soviet style conquest throughout Africa, Middle East, S America, Asia and yes, right there with Canada and the N Pole as well.

Why Putin Supporters never mention Russian aggression in any of these places?

In fact, they celebrate it as the end of American hegemony. This is so much  more than some double standard. It’s cheerleading for all that they resent of America. And maybe, just maybe, they do this rightfully so.  Unfortunately, in so doing, they have fallen victim to the Putin Delusion.

Supporters, you press-on with this FALSE PEACE. You insist the world saved if but America leaves Ukraine. This is a terrible fraud – a FALSE HOPE just before Putin targets the next nuclear confrontation.

Dear Putin Supporters. Please, look carefully. You may find to have become unwitting peddlers of this False Peace. I do honor your genuine push for peace. I do respect your legitimate disdain for US foreign policy led by America’s all-consuming war machine. More so, your urgency to save the

world from nuclear war. Unfortunately, in the name of fighting American War-mongering, you may have inadvertently been left brokering Putin’s Nuke-mongering.

Tucker Carlson, Coronel MacGregor, and all the others, if you want to save yourself from further implications from this most horrific of frauds upon the world, please stand to demand this end to nuclear war – for all time – in exchange for Ukraine. That’s the deal. Putin’s deal. Now say it. Prove it. All of you, in common cause with all of us, for a true end to nuclear war.

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