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Chapter 6 - The Zelensky Factor

Raghu Giuffre • Oct 11, 2023

The Zelensky Factor

28. Churchill of the 21st Century

Everyone talks how Putin miscalculated the War of Ukraine. Well, actually, he got it right. He sized it up quite well with a solid strategy all the way down the line but for a single factor: Zelensky. The Zelensky Factor was Putin’s only real miscalculation. 


 All the valor and brilliance of the Ukraine resistance likely to collapse with a Zelensky retreat as the US initially offered him. Europe showed their resistance to help Ukraine – it took months before they did. America would not, could not, have gone it alone. Zelensky is the lone factor. He brought all of them to move as a single alliance and the fighting force that is Ukraine. 

Putin now finds Zelensky standing as the David to his Goliath. It all started that cold winter day in February that America called the newly elected President of Ukraine. 

Leave now! America told Zelensky. 

The plane ready to fly Zelensky from his beloved country. The entirety of Russia’s elite fighting forces marching upon Ukraine, mere days left before the fall of the nation’s capital, Kiev. 

Zelensky said NO. 

‘I need ammunition, not a ride..’ 

and so etched a fire of resistance from which the world has not known against Russia aggression since the fall of the old Soviet Union. 

Zelensky’s compare maybe The Tank Man. He was that lone Chinaman. A humble soul, still remembered, vividly by millions, though decades ago. There this magnificent Chinaman stood before a column of 14 + tanks headed to Tiananmen square. Alone, but for 3 flimsy plastic shopping bags. The Tank Man stood front and center the lead tank holding back the entire column. Not once, but repeatedly. 

The tanks already commanded to run upon Tiananmen Square protestors. There protestors assembled in solidarity against the oppression of Communist tyranny. Tank Man knew his death sentence there or after. No matter. Selfless. Brave. There to pause a moment for all the world to hold to our deepest idealism and the glory of revolution at its very finest. 

 We find that same Tank Man in Zelensky. That lone warrior stands no more. He leads ferocity that is now Ukraine legend. Putin blindsided and all nations to behold. No matter the death, the abandon by America or the world. Zelensky prods, pleads, fights, leads, bargains, an actor by trade – thank God. 

Am I being melodramatic? 


But not as much as Putin Supporters. They try and reduce Zelensky to some lowball comedian, ‘just an actor,’ puppet of the US and unwitting fodder to the globalist agenda. 

Between my telling and theirs, which caricature seems more absurd? 

Here again, Putin Supporters show their poor reading. Their blatant prejudice against the obvious warrior and leader we have of Zelensky.  In so doing, they add one more giant miscalculation to their narrative.


Have they learned nothing of Putin’s own mistakes of Ukraine’s invasion? 

Why then parrot Putin’s talking points with such petty mocking against the obvious and extra-ordinaire – Zelensky? 

To be fair, Col MacGregor is not entirely wrong here. Putin has won by most every measure. Ukraine now lay decimated - just as the Colonel says. All that is the Ukrainian army slaughtered - a couple times over, just as the Colonel says. Defeat but for time to tell – as the Colonel says. And yes, the West still dithers. And dithers still. 

All the expertise of the Coronels military experience in sound reason but for that missing spirit of a lion’s heart that is the Zelensky Factor. A fire of patriotism unbeknownst by much of the latest generations. For them, the Colonel would be so very right but for the one: the Zelensky Factor. 

So shines forth through the thick of doubt, loss, sacrifice, hardship, death and to touch upon most each man and women of the world today, a feel to the plight, might and inspiration that is the lone Ukrainian soldier. Behold the great miscalculations of Putin’s Supporters in vivid color to those of Putin’s own in starting this war.

There, a voice in the rubble of loss and abandon, still rings. Fight  through all that horror as we hear by Macgregor’s telling - of it. Yet, Zelensky stands – and for another day. Clear in purpose and dedication. All the vigor as that very first day of Putin’s invasion. A single man as fortress, the Great Wall of Europe, holding back all that is the worst of Putin’s might. No matter Putin’s advantage. 10 x the firepower. 10 x the weapons. 10 x the manpower and money too. So lopsided by every measure but for the Zelensky Factor - for two years now. Zelensky lives, fights - leads. 

Those without history’s wisdom to stir their own courage and conviction; I offer this impossible we see for Ukraine and all that Zelensky faces. This is modern day Churchill and his odds of those darkest hours of WWII. Churchill rallied against Hitler’s conquest of Europe. The whole continent of Europe. England the lone holdout – solely because of Churchill. 

Hitler Benevolence on full display with the return of 100,000 captures, British soldiers ready for the taking. Hitler could have finished England that very day. Instead, Hitler handed them all back - returned to England. Hitler the Meriful – by the Nazi telling of it. All part of Hitlers commitment to peace - they said. Hitler talked of kinship with the British. A brotherhood to celebrate and share in conquest of all the world as so common race, culture and purpose. No interest to take England, Hitler repeated. Save England now and just surrender – NOW. How simple. How obvious. How smart. 

And, how, oh, how familiar to Putin’s offers of peace today. How Europe fails to see the obvious comparison after their own experience of WWII or rather, that of their grandparents who may remember that same Hitler offer and those of Churchill’s repeated refusal of it. 

Work in the camaraderie of Aryan brotherhood, Hitler softly pleaded to them. All so reasonable. A sweet deal compared to Churchills fight for Europe. 

And for what? 

Europe – France, Germany, Italy, they all had so little concern to the Brits. Millions of people agreed – at that time. 

Read reports of the day. The same brand of generals and peaceniks. Churchill, the warmonger they pointed. The saboteur to world peace they protested. Derailing the end of WWII, they pressed. Churchill’s odds no less daunting those Zelensky faces today – actually likely bigger. Much bigger odds. So too the public disillusionment. 

But ask yourself. 

Can you imagine your life today in a world built upon a Hitler Peace? 

That is the life Zelensky refuses to accept for Ukraine. And legitimately so. Such was the conviction of Churchill. Such is Zelensky in spirit and action, the Churchill of our 21st Century. 

Awarding Zelensky the mantle of Churchill would have little meaning to the latest generations for they have no context to the impossible that was England under the shadow of Hitler’s conquest. They may understand Churchill to say Zelensky beating Russia is something by compare. 

All this in thanks to that comedian we get from the caricatures of Putin Supporters. But they are not the worst of it. It’s actually those of Zelensky’s many nations who offer support. Zelensky is still undervalued by them, poorly recognized, and under-utilized for the easy victory he offers but for minimal financing and military support. And that by his strongest supporters. That is to say, Zelensky is the strongest card on this table to Peace. This card, the Ace Of Zelensky, finds both its credit and the long missing clarity for Putin to better appreciate the indomitable we have in the Zelensky Factor. And no better telling of that Zelensky Factor then those of Bakhmut – next

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