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PIPI - Chapter 2 - Palestinians ‘Land For Peace’ - Next Level

Raghu Giuffre • Oct 30, 2023

‘Land For Peace’ - Next Level

PIPI: Palestinian Israeli Peace Initiative

And so we come to that seeming impossible of the Palestinian Israel Peace Initiative aka PIPI.

First for the irony of it:

They are fighting over land in one of the largest land masses (of underpopulated-per-capita places) in the world. Warring parties oblivious to this rather obvious.

PIPI simply dramatizes the kinds of possibilities we find of such vast sprawls of open lands and what they offer people of iron will, passion of purpose and the magic of modern tech and capital – in new partnerships. The Bridge to Peace adds those final pieces: the tech, capital and partnership.

And so to the purpose of PIPI:

It changes the discourse over to such exciting prospects. The details of PIPI are incidental to this larger role to find better outcomes over the widening violence and rising devastation. Changing this course from those of hatred is the measure of our success. The Bridge to Peace may be great economics and politics too, but that’s just the bonus to avoiding apocalypse.

I started chipping away at this proposal back in the 80’s during Israel’s PM Sharon’s administration. I was furious for his ruthless slaughter of Palestinians, only to see him knocked off a few years later by hard-right, Israeli extremists. They said Sharon was much too generous in his peace negotiations with Palestinians. His life given and taken for their cause – inadvertently. How odd to be a patron of the Palestinian cause and still despised so forcefully by its people. Their history filled with such juxtaposition. I’ve been taken with their cause ever since.

What called to me was that this for some land. This Land-for-Peace equation always looked so obvious to me. They need but ‘think outside the box’ – by just a little bit. And so we do that here today.

There’s the 25 miles of the Gaza Strip and their 2 million residents. Give them 2,500 square miles of the Sinai Peninsula. A newfound community long overdue for development. This should be a matter of routine for such sparsely populated regions as the Sinai. The Palestinians cause simply adds the heroics of what should have just been routine anyway.

And then for the allotment:

2,500 miles is both 100 x times greater than their present Gaza Strip and just 10% of the Sinai Peninsula. The contrast to how much difference to the Palestinians for so little from Egypt. It would offer some measure of justice by way of international accommodation of lands and resources for a safe and prosperous home – at last.

The Bridge takes that to a whole other level. The Palestinians are now front and center - partners - in the hottest economic development zone. It’s a lottery ticket for any community. They would be there on the South Flank to the Bridge. And no more worries for Israel about Hamas. The Bridge of Peace now standing guardian as The Wall of Peace - as well.

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