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PIPI - Chapter 1 - Simple Solution to Israel Palestinian Conflict

Raghu Giuffre • Oct 30, 2023

The Great Bridge to Peace

PIPI: Palestinian Israeli Peace Initiative


Trifecta of 3 Continents: The Afro-Euro-Mid-East

Let’s kick this off with a simple rebranding. Saudi’s Prince, MSB, has started

his Mirror Line City. 106 miles long. 656 feet wide. 1,640 feet high.

Leave it to Americans to come in and just rename it. How bout:

The Great Bridge to Peace.

And of course, what better rebranding than changing locations too.

Move the project from Neom, Saudi Arabia, to the Sinai Peninsula. It will

instead start from the Mediterranean Sea and go South to the Gulf of Aqaba.

There we find a small sea between the Sinai and Saudi Arabia.

The Sinai now transformed into a Mecca of the old worlds outreach to

those of the West. The dead end we find of Noem means it is but a Wall – a ‘Line.’

Running this same length across the Sinai instantly transforms this Wall into a

Bridge. It now takes you from Europe’s Mediterranean all the way to the best of

the Middle East.

Welcome to the Bridge of Peace.

A bridge like no other in history. The grandeur of cutting-edge modern,

overlaid the old, royal flavors of the House of Saud. The Bridge instantly

repositioning Saudi Arabia Center Piece between these two worlds of the East’s

meeting the West for whole regions truly transformed.

The Bridge of Peace now the shortest, most convenient and fastest access

to all the markets and tourism of Europe with this direct link to the Middle East.

And, for the bonus. The Sinai Peninsula happens to also be the natural land

bridge to Africa for both Europe as well as the Middle East - and its Asian


Egypt to now ride upon all the resources of Saudi Arabia to build out its

own transit center for this Afro-Euro-Mid-East. All the specialties of the sub-

continent of Africa plugged right into this Euro-Mid East hub - too. The cost to

Egypt is little more than some of its sparsely populated lands of the Sinai


Sorry Dubai. You offer the world a magical kingdom, but for that

geography, as center to this side of the world. That is given to Saudi Arabia.

Saudi’s Bridge to Peace now the obvious choice by way of geographic hold, with

all the ease and function of this new mythical bridge both as a transport to other

worlds and as a world unto itself.

Same for you China. Love all your work for the Belt and Road and what it

promises for Developing Nations, but Saudi is the natural hub - at least according

to geography. Saudi is the Superhighway to your Road of Belts. This Saudi Egypt

duet stand as a Trifecta of 3 Continents and those of several adjacent seas - too.

Xi, you are a little removed from this juncture of separate worlds found in their

center by platonic choosing.

And so we discover: Saudi Arabia and Egypt suddenly have this land mass

and labor pool, with all the resources of the Middle East, and those of Asia still

within easy reach. Add those of Europe to those of Africa too. There is no reason

why Saudi Arabia can’t be the new manufacturing capital of the world by any

measure of resources, access, size, manpower and modernity.

The Bridge to Peace is a direct Line to such glorious destiny for the entire


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