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LIFESTYLE - Chapter 3 - Specialized Medicine: 12 Advantages / Benefits

Oct 27, 2023

Have Specialist on-staff

Specialization means better quality 

  1. The point of specialization is better quality. It’s the definition of specialization.
  2. Example: The VA has injured soldiers coming in from the battlefront. They get first priority. Other veterans are facing suicide, PTSD and other top priority issues. This can leave veteran smokers, the obese, drug addiction, etc., coming in as a third or fourth priority. Specialized Medicine means smokers get first priority. They get a program all their own with better service. 
  3. The horrors we hear about at the VA may be a sample of those found in Medicaid, Medicare, or Social Security, etc. They don’t get the same media attention as our veterans at the VA and so likely have larger failings. Specialized medicine is one of the easy fixes for all of them. 

Specialization lends itself to cost efficiencies

Specialist can be more expensive because of the small niche markets they serve. However, once they are scaled up, they prove more cost effective. They gradually beat the competition. Gov’t works with hundreds of billions and so the savings will scale in equal measure. Larger the scale-up, greater the savings. (Explained in later chapters)

The great incubator of innovation 

  1. Specialization begets evolutionary leaps of discovery and innovation. Get ready for America’s next generation of medical and bio-tech breakthroughs.
  2. Example: To begin, research budgets will vault ahead today’s hundreds of millions and instead start with multi-BILLION grants. Pharmaceutical companies spend between 3% to 7% on Research & Development with sums like $150 to $300 million. 
  3. Let’s take our example of obesity. Gov’t has a starting budget of $1 trillion. Using 3% of that budget translates into $30 billion for R&D. That’s 2,000 x (times) larger than anything we see in R&D now. $30 billion maybe bigger than all research budgets in the world of medicine today. We will have similar budgets for tobacco and other lifestyle programs. 
  4. Industry leaders became giants because of these 3 reasons: - they are the specialists of their field with a much better service, they are offered for a better price compared to the competition and they have the leading innovations. It’s the formula to becoming an industry leader. We will see the same become of gov’t programs.

The Specialist – Interface: Fast, Easy and Affordable

  1. Specialized Medicine basically means having a specialist on hand. 
  2. Ex: I had my nose punched-in by a homeless guy. My nose was below my face-line and pitched up like a pig’s snout. Went to the emergency room. They brought in the eye and nose doctor – a specialist. She reached two fingers up my nostrils and started pushing the bridge of my nose back out. Way too painful, so she put me under. When I awoke, she set a follow-up appointment at her clinic. In other words, much of specialized medicine means having a specialist on staff like there was for my broken nose. 
  3. We would have a Specialist on hand for smokers, the obese and drug addiction. They would staff the VA offices, Social Security and Medicaid, etc. 
  4. Requires little new infrastructure to have a lifestyle Specialist on staff. Most programs already have doctors that could get certified in lifestyle-care. What could be a faster and more affordable? It easily overlays today’s system and so scales quickly – at rather minor costs.

Incremental – Modular 

  1. This can be done incrementally. 
  2. Specialization itself is somewhat modular in nature because they are stand alone units in their own right. This allows it to be more easily scaled up or down.
  3. Obama-care completely disrupted entire swaths of the healthcare industry. American’s lost their doctors, healthcare plans or the providers they loved. Lifestyle Insurance touches none of these. It up-grades without disruption. 
  4. Can start with one industry or one small segment of it. 
  5. Example: Start with a small trial run with smokers from Social Security and Medicare. If it works with seniors, add in Medicaid patients and then veterans from the VA. If that’s successful, try pooling the obese from multiple gov’t programs. If the program doesn’t work, they can be easily scaled-back (as compared to Obama-care). It means removing the specialist on staff. It’s flexible so can be scaled up and down slowly or quickly. 


  1. Each industry, company or program can choose to join - or not. It easily scales proportionately so need for forced participation. 
  2. Programs can also opt out - just as easily. For example, Medicaid could Opt-In while the VA Opts-Out. It does not require full participation for this to work. What other reform offers such flexibility? 
  3. Most every aspect of Obama-care was mandatory and all encompassing. Lifestyle Insurance can be largely voluntary – if the President chooses. 
  4. Obama-care is such delicate mechanism. If one part of the formula is missing; the whole system is compromised. Minor changes can bring down the entire program. 
  5. Examples: Remove young and healthy members and premiums explode. Remove penalties on those opting out and membership implodes. Remove the hefty subsidies and affordability implodes. 

Lifestyle Insurance is the opposite. Each operation is a self-contained-unit. That’s true of specialization. They are fully contained to their own areas of focus.

Specialization begets Specialization 

  1. Example: The VA will now have their smokers, the obese, drug addiction, all being covered and tended to by Lifestyle Insurance. FOR FREE. This allows the VA to now focus on the half dozen issues specific to soldiers like PTSD, rebab, suicide, etc. Medi-CAID (for the poor) is 70% women and children. They can focus on family medicine - pediatrics. Medi-CARE is for seniors - geriatrics. 
  2. Each program has its own demographic and so can specialize in those specific areas. This kind of focus achieves the goals that Democrats look for in single-payer healthcare. 
  3. Gov’t programs will become the industry leaders of their area by way of quality service, pricing, innovation and market reach. Welcome to Specialization.

USA – Take Market Lead 

Behold, America’s next generation of Specialized Medicine. It will take markets of the world by storm and lead this new lifestyle-care and Lifestyle Markets – by decades. 

Industry Will Love It

Biz will fight this – is the first response we have heard from most. All the savings we talk about represent lost biz – they say. Special interests derailed every other reform. 

Here’s the difference:

We are handing over gov’t services to the private sector. Those players are the saboteurs of previous reforms. This time, it’s those same Wall Street and private insurance players that are now getting trillions in new biz from gov’t healthcare. Healthcare reform that biz will love. That’s a first. 

Gov’t will Love It

Gov’t gets as much as half of all healthcare covered - for free. The cost savings far bigger than the taxes lost with the lifestyle retail products now going to this. 

Save Healthcare from Impending Doom

  1. Healthcare is reaching a breaking point. For example, the $2 trillion now spent on obesity every decade will hit a tipping point and crumble. Most sense we maybe entering the end-days of our healthcare system. Maybe 10 years. Or is 5 now? Lifestyle Insurance converts savings into self-sustaining programs. That’s guarantee income for decades to come. The savings means a bit less now for a lot more thereafter. 
  2. The savings regained through expanding markets – especially abroad. Lower the costs is more market share gained. 
  3. Example, let’s say we treat 60% of today’s obese with proper care. Reducing cost by 50% would allow us reaching the other 40% of the market. Providers get half the income per transaction but have twice as much biz. It’s the same money. We will find this true for a number of markets. 
  4. Much of the new biz will come from Europe - world. American will take large swaths of those markets with its new generation of healthcare. These new international markets will offer far more biz then lost from our lifestyle savings. 

Trillions in New Economic Activity Unleashed

  1. Obesity shows up as a $1 trillion cost on the Feds budget. Take that same $1 trillion and hand it over the market. It’s given over to a new company. That company is instantly worth 3 or 4 times that $1 trillion. They would be worth $2 to 4 trillion. 
  2. Privatizing $5 trillion in gov’t services translates into $10 to $20 trillion worth of new (Wall Street) market value. 
  3. All this economic value is now locked away behind gov’t services. It’s set free once given over to the market place. 

Requires No New Legislation

  1. The President already has authority to introduce Lifestyle Specialist - doctors – to gov’t programs. Only Step 6 requires legislation. The first 5 Steps require no new legislation.
  2. There’s no new funding so does not require congressional approval – unlike Obama-care that required tens of billions. 
  3. This first 5 Steps don’t involve new policies for the private sector as there is no new legislation required. It’s up-grading gov’t services already active.

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