Memorial & Writing
33. Zelensky Saves the World of Petro Dollar
Here’s the really scary part. The War of Taiwan and Ukraine are just 2 of a thousand such conflicts to playout with the end of American Hegemony.
Remember that ‘Axis of Evil’ of Pres. Bush’s propaganda? Well, turns out that there really are plots and players scheming conquest that look a lot like the evil of Bush’s claims. Dozens of such players with designs of annexation now held to bay by that same American Hegemony that so many now complain.
And so, how many other such lords of conquest to be unleashed with America’s collapse?
How much is that US ‘protection’ worth and what is the cost alternative?
There upon we find a subset of economic fallouts as well. The economic impact is another book (Volume 3, about a third completed).
These questions led me to journey those horrors and better appreciate all that we do have as citizens of American and so too, what the US has done for the world – even in spite of the most horrendous of methods and its worst agendas.
It will be a surprise to many. It was to me. The positives of this system to be lost start with the entirety of Western nations and most democracies.
And so:
What other democracies – nations - would fall or at least, be severally harmed?
Japan, the Philippines, much - if not much all the European nations. They each find their economic base upon the Petro Dollar and so on the list goes.
How bout Russia in the Artic, or Iran and China in the Middle East, or Africa and S America?
All such scenarios to unfold with the fall of American Hegemony!
Don’t mistake this for political posture or propaganda. It’s a genuine search for what we bring to the table for the world. It will allow us to find the best of what we do offer as a country and as a global system. So too what dreadfuls of our own we can do away with, and of pleasant discovery, still have much the same impact and power. I hope to tell of this tale as the culmination of this work. About a quarter of the way there, so hopefully, a book for your perusal - soon.
This can sound something like the hyperventilating we get of the military industrial complex trying to justify their wars. We do hear much the same kinds of talking points from talking-heads of gov’t, media, Wall Street, and yet, behind it all, there, still to discover, just how much the Petro Dollar system has offered the world - something quite extraordinary that these professional experts missed.
And so to ask without sounding too hyperbolic, but for reasonable wonder.
Has Zelensky saved all nations now held to America’s platform referred to as the Petro Dollar.
Has Zelensky saved all that the US does buy in the peace endured because of it or as Putin Supporters call it – because of American Hegemony?
In other words, how many wars has Ukraine saved America from, or the world – SO FAR?
AND..How much saved by way of the economic damage to this global system has Zelensky also protected?
I now find Putin Supporters to accurately have read the precarious of this US system and just as dire as they say – and at times, maybe even more so. To account for how this plays out has never been more critical.
These are not rhetorical questions for high ground to arguments, but the prying required of a writer and policy buffs to answer for growing American quandary.
To such questions we find the other side, the value of funding the America Cop of the world – vs not. The initial take gives the impression that withdrawing America from the world stage starts looking a lot like the logic we have of de-funding your local cops. To tell you more of this later.
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