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Chapter 8: The Best War Peace Can Buy

Raghu Giuffre • Oct 11, 2023

The Best War Peace Can Buy

And so we follow Putin’s talking points (above) over to the other side of the issue: things driving America’s support for Ukraine. Putin Supporters once again come up short on the final point though so beautifully covering the lead up to, and reporting of, it. We outline those in the next 6 things they get wrong - starting with #31. 

31. Zelensky Saves America from China’s War for Taiwan

Would China have invaded Taiwan, had Putin taken Kiev within his original timeline of just a month or two? 

A quick victory in Ukraine would have foreign invasion looking so very easy and quite rewarding. And no response from the West - AGAIN. Something like a warm invitation to all that is Putin’s Axis of Aggression: China, N Korea, Iran, and so to his allies to grow in number and that of daring. 

It’s here, we arrive at the heart of the issue. It’s not about Russia, China, Ukraine or Taiwan. It’s about the fall of American Hegemony - as Putin Supporters like to call it. They tell you so – repeatedly. 

They say – most every day: The End Of American Hegemony at the hands of Russia and China. 

And THEY explain that it all starts and ends, right there at ground zero - Ukraine. They know it. They know the role Ukraine plays to America’s economic, political, military survival. 

They talk with all the pride of journalists foretelling of things to come. BUT…, then, oddly, they go on to insist that America has NO REASON to be in Ukraine…BUT FOR POWER, OIL and PISSING-OFF PUTIN. How so very fascinating their forecast usual, how so very poor their conclusion.

How is that? 

Supporters had their growing consensus that Putin’s victory over Ukraine would have been followed with a quick assembly of China and N Korea joining Russian forces for Taiwan. They told of this within days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We need go collect the videos where they say as much.

We must credit them for sounding the alarm. Their predictions of America’s coming collapse was timely - and appropriately dire and more so, because the US is losing Ukraine much as Russia is as they say - in the ascendency because of Putin’s victory of it.

 A real shame global elites shunned these broadcasts. Those reports gave – better than most anyone else –one of the strongest reasons - validation – for all that the US is extending to Ukraine. They say America was – is – fighting for its very survival. And how right they are – as we detail in Volume 3. 

Now for that big question to their own point that they once again missed: 

Did Ukraine’s freedom fighters just stop China’s war with Taiwan?

Here’s the latest telling of things:

Xi now sees Putin’s setbacks. It starts with the dreadful that we see of Russia’s battlefield losses, but so too, the extreme economic strains, and - politically too. China is just too vulnerable for that - at least for now. China’s growing real estate crisis being one. Their debt crisis being another. Covid and so the list goes. Not a good time for China to than have global sanctions on top all the military costs with a war of Taiwan. That’s the story circulating. China cannot afford all the hardships Putin is now dealing with. NO, they can not afford to attack Taiwan now – since Ukraine’s crush to Putin’s progress.

And so to that little ol saying about the ‘once of prevention, to the pound of cure.’ In this case, trillions worth of cure had we not offered that ounce to Ukraine in their fight against Russia. 

Is Ukraine the ounce of prevention?

Anyone care to contest this premise or add to it? 

That brings us to Zelensky. 

Did Zelensky just buy freedom for all nations of the South China Seas? 

Did Zelensky just save America from war with China – for now? 

Did America just dodge a bullet…OR, 

Did Zelensky just take a bullet for America? 

And then to hear America politicians complaining Ukraine costs too much. 


And many of these are supposed to be American patriots - Republicans. 

How blind to all Zelensky just gave – saved - America. Again, this all based upon what Putin Supporters themselves say - starting with the end of American Hegemony - right there in Ukraine. 

32. Zelensky Saves America $4 Trillion from China War or is it $8 Trillion?

How much SPECFICALLY did America just save from China’s retreat of Taiwan’s invasion? 

This can seem redundant from the last chapter and the coming ones, but we really do need that number to make a true and fair comparison for the money spent on Ukraine. Only then can we begin to find the level of indebtedness we should have for Zelensky. 

 And so to the specifics: 

What kind of savings are we looking at - not just in treasury alone, but by way of men, equipment, time and preparedness? 

What of other economic outcomes? 

Now add these up against the costs spent in Ukraine to date. 

Ukraine costs $100 billion. 

Would China’s invasion of Taiwan costs America $2 trillion – like those of Afghanistan. Or would it be $4 trillion like Iraq? 

Is this a fair correlation? 

There’s the costs in going to war with China, but we can also look at the cost of the US walking away from the fight for Taiwan too. 

What would the economic cost be for losing all that is Taiwan’s contributions and those of the China Sea - access and all the rest?

What is the loss to US allies? Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, etc? 

These numbers will tell a story all their own. 

Putin Supporters miss this final take in their reports of China’s War of Taiwan. It’s even missing from the war-machine referred to as legacy media. Are these war savings not a valid comparison? 

How then to assess the value of our costs and commitments to Ukraine as compared what - or not (to have spent there)? 

Putin Supporters did a great job reporting about China’s coming Taiwan invasion, but missed the savings we have because Xi was given pause after seeing just how dreadful things are going for Putin in Ukraine. 

Anyone care to join in and look into this side of the war and savings?

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