Memorial & Writing
There is a common trait to Elon Musk’s Vertical Integration. It’s been made possible through his tech upgrades. Tech breakthroughs naturally lend themselves to this kind of consolidation. All those savings and added income we outline here for Tesla are taken from across the board of consolidating service providers, manufacturing, and product features. The specialty of our Warranty is finally formalizing this tech process into a template that can be scaled industry wide.
We have uncovered many more ‘Components’ that expand upon Musk’s initial savings and new revenue. Our Patent has 100+ Components in all. They multiply Elon Musk’s revenues and savings even further.
(Can you star or spot in place of these numbers below)
Today’s electric battery may need be replaced after just 8 years, but the coming ‘next generation’ battery may well last the remaining 22 years (Elon is predicting a million-mile battery).
The electric engine may last 400k miles and so need be swapped out thrice over a million miles (every 350k miles).
So year 8 will replace the battery, year 12, 18 and 25 replaces the engine. The repairs will be Staggered – scheduled – about every 8 years. These longer timelines reduce costs significantly.
So year 8 will replace the batter, year 12, 18 and 25 will replace the engine. The repairs will be Staggard – scheduled – about every 8 years. These longer timelines reduce costs – significantly.
Elon Musk is talking of an engine that will be even more durable. Such upgrades translate into greater savings once scaled against this Million-Mile Standard.
Elon is talking of an engine that will be even more durable. Such upgrades translate into greater savings once scaled against this Million-Mile Standard.
3) Inflation Added Value
(Can you star or spot in place of these numbers below)
The price of cars rises every decade.
The cost rises 30% to 100% every decade. This allows a used car to recoup its value by this same amount with each new decade the car remains driving. Hence, we beget the ‘Classic Car’ 30 years later. The car is now worth more than when you first bought 3 decades earlier.
The stipulation for a a Classic Car is fairly straightforward: Tthe car has to be in ‘Mint Condition.’ Our Warranty provides the ‘Mint Condition.’
Our Warranty converts your car into a ‘Classic Car.’ by extending it’s life out to 30 years. Your car is no longer a liability. It’s now has now become a new ‘Asset Class.’
The price of the CyberTruck rises by the end of the 30-year Warranty. We just flipped the auto industry from one of depreciating liability to appreciating asset.
4) Dynamic Pricing
(Can you star or spot in place of these numbers below)
5) Tag-Teaming
(Can you star or spot in place of these numbers below)
5) Tag Teaming
Shifting (sharing) costs between services.
These are just 6 of the 100+ Components of our Patent Pending Auto Membership Warranty program. Most Components multiply savings or revenues - as you see with our examples above. Taken together, they offer automakers 7x more revenue and buyers their 70% savings.
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