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V2 - Chapter 1 -Putin’s Victory in the War of Ukraine Is The Day He Replaces the Petro Dollar

Raghu Giuffre • October 20, 2023

Chapter 1

Putin’s Victory in the War of Ukraine

Is The Day He Replaces the Petro Dollar

We have so fooled ourselves that America’s great magic was Democracy,

Freedom and Capitalism. It’s not. It’s almost exclusively the Petro Dollar – at least,

given today’s economy.

And here’s another surprise. That backing for the Petro Dollar, it’s not oil. It’s

war. ..And lots of it.

Americans, much like the rest of the world, are now so very tired of all this

damn war. And so goes the Petro Dollar into the night for ever more.

The greatest war machine the world has ever known. That my friends is the

GOLD at the end of this rainbow of our Petro Dollar – the might of the US military

to kick ass and to do so on demand. Welcome to American gold - WAR.

Knocking down the sovereign doors of Latin and South America to access their

labor, lands and resources; or those of Africa’s commodities; or punishing Saddam

for taking over Kuwait for half the world’s oil supply or a decade later, selling Iraqi

oil outside the Petro Dollar system; or decimating Libya and knocking off Gadhafi

for daring to introduce gold coins. Each one of these military operations bringing

in the next wave of hundreds of billions more value to that of our American Petro


Goldbug conspirators as well as economist of every breed, always missed this

side of the equation –America’s War Machine as its gold behind the Petro-Dollar.

Most experts oft say: There is nothing backing the US dollar. It’s just a piece of

paper. Guess they never met our US military. Therefore, they always – always -

grossly over-estimate that coming fall of the US Dollar – that is, until now.

Back in America’s heyday – the 1980’s, the US was only 5% the world

population, but we consumed 50% of all global resources. America proudly

pointed to Free Markets, Capitalism and Freedom. It was not Free Markets. It was

tanks, planes and missiles. And lots and lots of them.

In fact, America’s war-machine was used to subsidize Capitalism, Democracy,

and Freedom; maybe, the one saving grace of Western exploitation. Today’s

dictators do much the same. They subsidize their oppression with oil. We

understand when they dictators do it, but somehow missed that this is the real

secret to America’s Petro Dollar too.

This US War-Machine then backs this up by retailing all the accumulated global

resources around this Trading-platform we call the Petro-Dollar. We find that 60%

to 80% the value of every American Dollar is actually taken from this trade-

platform of the Petro-Dollar. That is to say, the dollar’s value is now carried by all

the foreign markets still using the dollar as their Global Reserve Currency to buy

and trade in oil.

Before Covid, the Petro Dollar made up 40%, maybe 60% the value of our

American Dollar. We have since added another $10 trillion more in gov’t

giveaways. All this - just the last 4 years. Our Federal debt now explodes at $30

trillion. Therefore, the Petro Dollar is now required to carry even more value of

our American Dollar.

We refer to the American Dollar as that value taken directly from the US

economy and the Petro-Dollar as that value taken from other nations still using

the dollar for their Global Reserve Currency.

As little as just 10% to 30% of today’s US Dollar has any direct correlation to

America’s national economic strength – (once all gov’t subsidy supports have

been removed - as we have in most industries). All the rest of our buying power –

60% to 80% of it, is taken exclusively from this side of our dollar – the Petro


Put simply, lose the Petro-Dollar means we just lost 80% the dollars buying

power. It’s called Hyper-inflation. Now American’s will finally learn what hyper-

inflation really means.

Try Democracy and Free Markets once the US Dollar has imploded 95%. You

will then have a better idea where our economic miracles have been coming from

these last 80 years. It was not democracy. It definitely was not Capitalism or Free


Those Free Markets are more like a Vegas slot machine, for they are rigged

1,000 to 1 by monopoly manipulation. Sometimes more. A discussion for another


Today, this façade is being teared away. The War of Ukraine is the tipping

point. This is where the US has officially lost its ability to guarantee affordable oil.

No matter our Free Markets and all the facades they like to call Capitalism. No

cheap oil, no Petro-Dollar. It really is just that simple.

How did we lose access to cheap oil and the Petro-Dollar along with it?

Because all the might of the US military to stand for American interest has just

vanished. This side of America’s Gold is gone. It finds its official end here with the

War of Ukraine and the loss of yet another nation to Putin annexation. America

will not confront Russia directly. Every nation now knows, America’s gold of its old

war machine is no longer. America has lost its bite and so the magic spell broken –

no more cheap oil.

America’s military might is not for want of logistics, funding or even

competency. Our military is folding under the growing weight of doubt, guilt and

dreadful foreign policy. It falls there in step with our own will to stand and fight as

a nation of one people. And most of the world would say, Amen to that. Stop all

this American warmongering.

Politicians have heard the call.

The War of Ukraine is the final step where Russia, has now replaced America,

as the ONLY AFFORDABLE OIL left to the world. Most of all, Putin has the

dedicated military might to back up and kick ass - to guarantee his cheap oil. Putin

is the new pimp daddy of the world – not because of the cheap oil alone, but

because everyone knows: ‘You don’t mess with Putin. The end is simple - nuclear


Germany gets the message loud and clear. So does Italy and now France. (This

is from a year ago – 2022) Germany promptly announced they will use the Russian

Rubble to transact their oil purchase – of course, in a round-about way. Italy just

joined in. France is offering a long-winded version of it. Macron calls it ‘not

humiliating Russia.’

No way Europe is going to war with Russia. Not worth a nuclear holocaust.

Please. Never going to happen. Europe is more than happy to just use the Russian

Rubble instead.

Yes, of course, this is all being done at the expense of America’s Petro Dollar,

but, hey, they can live with that. So can the rest of the world. Every week, another

country or two joining them.

That’s before talking of the BRIC countries and several more nations looking to

join them - too. Just this week, the East Asian nations building upon their own

theme of dumping the US Dollar for a new intra-trade currency made of Malasia,

Indonesia, Thailand, Singapura and the Philippines. They are looking to sign an

agreement by this very November 2022. Another dozen countries lined up just

behind them also interested in joining their club.

This my friends, this is the story of the War of Ukraine, which is to say, this is

the End of our American Petro-Dollar.

Putin’s victory of Ukraine is the day Russia has finally replaced the Petro Dollar.

So ends America as a force of any relevancy in the world hereafter. Welcome to

Putin’s War of Ukraine. Good bye American Petro-Dollar.

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