Table of Contents

Summary Overview

Roadmap to Peace: URUPE

40 Things Putin Supporters Get Wrong About Ukraine

By Raghu-nomics

This Roadmap to Peace has about 25 Chapters, covered over 5 Volumes and further subdivided into 65 Topic Headings.  These Headings are sometimes Numbered as they are here - below. Topic Headings designate each Primary Issue covered by the Chapter. Topi Headings serve as Bulletin Points to the actual Index of this work. About half the Chapters of this work are already written. These other Chapters will be posted in coming weeks. We offer an overview for each of them here. 

These combined 5 Volumes make up the totality of our Ukraine Russia Peace Initiative or URUPEIN (Ukraine-RUssina-PEace-INitiative) pronounced just like European. 

This summary starts with a recap of our First Video. This video is based on Volume 1, Titled: 40 things Putin Supporters Get Wrong About Ukraine

The video covers all 5 Chapters of 

Part 1: The False Peace of Putin’s Nuke-mongering.

The hours editing the video helped identify the bulletin points of our first video. We offer the highlights of that video here.

This summary is followed with an overview of the remainder of the book and so will go on to include the remaining 4 Volumes as well. A number of them still need to be written. The remaining 4 Volumes are not included in our first video. They serve as the script for the coming videos. 

Summary of Volume 1 

40 Things Putin Supporters get Wrong About Ukraine 

  This Summary Starts with our Punchlines and works its way back from there, whereas the video and written presentation start with an opening premise before we deliver the punchline. 

Chapter 5: Brokers of a False Peace for Nuke-Mongering

  1. The first big discovery of our Roadmap to Peace is that Putin is not actually offering an end to nuclear confrontation – even if Russian gets Ukraine. Instead, Putin will just go find some new place and threaten us all over again. He will use those same nukes to terrorize us – all over AGAIN. Next time, it will be in the name of Iran, or Taiwan, N Korea, Serbia, the N Pole and a dozen other such ‘redlines.’
  2. We refer to this as Nuke-Mongering. Contrast this to War-Mongering. Nuke-Mongering is to lead domestic and foreign relations with threats of nuclear retaliation against those joining a conventional battle against them, or for routine foreign relation negotiations. (By contrast, the US bullies the world with its conventional forces - rather than nukes). 
  3. The centerpiece of this proposal is simple. We request Putin for but a single guarantee: 

The world never need worry about Russian nukes again. Simply put: Putin gets Ukraine for his nukes. Putin Nukes 4 Ukraine. Once Putin has used this Card of Nukes, he can’t go back and use them - EVER again.  That’s our request.

This proposal of ‘
Putin Nukes 4 Ukraine’ can sound a bit idealistic, but it’s the deal Putin has been suggesting this whole time. The ‘big reveal’ here is that Putin has NEVER STATED we get to save ourselves from WW3 - if he gets Ukraine. It’s INFERRED, but never stated. Putin Supporters tell us we must leave Ukraine to save the world from nuclear holocaust, but not Putin himself. Putin only offers not to use his nukes - FOR NOW. In other words, we only BUY ourselves TIME - until the next confrontation. 

Volume 2 points to the growing history of Putin’s implied and overt threats of nuclear retaliation. This means leaving Ukraine is not a security offer, but may feel more like a fraud. This is where URUPEIN comes into play. We demand NO MORE Putin Nuke-mongering. It holds Putin to guarantee this True Peace.

  1. Putin is not offering PEACE, but postponement. That is a much different story than we hear from Putin Supporters. They don’t recognize the ‘bate & switch’ of Putin’s offer with this backdoor clause and so their demands made in the name of peace for Ukrainian or nuclear war are very misleading. Some may even call it fraud or as we refer to it: A False Peace. 
  2. We caution Putin Supporters they may be unwitting peddlers of this False Peace and in so doing, lending themselves to Putin’s Nuke-mongering. We reach out to them here to join us in our call for this True Peace: Putin Nukes 4 Ukraine. 

Chapter3: Zelensky Just Won America’s Conventional War w/ Russia

  1. Putin and the US have been planning for a conventional war against each other - for decades now. Zelensky may have well just crushed Putin’s hopes and ability to crush the US in open conventional battle. Putin lost most of his big advantages that Russia use to have for a conventional war with America. 


  • Zelensky already destroyed a great deal of the best of Putin’s military infrastructure and army, resources and morale. 
  • Russian forces are all lined-up for easy ‘picking’ in any direct battle with America - dreadfully over exposed in Ukraine’s open plains. 
  • The Russian army are like ‘fish in a barrel’ to American firepower in the open, flat plains of Ukraine. 
  • The Russians are overextended, notably degraded and 
  • Putin likely recognizes he would lose a conventional war with the US. 
  • Basically, that big military conventional showdown between the US and Russia is already over. Putin can’t fight the US in open battle - anymore. All thanks to Zelensky. 
  1. And so to the point: Zelensky’s success has gifted us this Ace Card of Peace.  This affords us to make these kinds of demands of Putin: Nukes 4 Ukraine. 
  2. This is to say that Zelensky just won America’s conventional war with Russian – for us. He did all this for just $100 billion. That’s pennies on the dollar of all estimated cost of this war. 

How did all the media and experts of the world miss this extraordinary milestone – Russia’s Red Army beat in conventional war at long last? ..By Zelensky. 

Critics may argue the point:

Did Ukraine just win the conventional war over Russia - for America? 

Or even, can America actually win in open battle with Russia? 

The one point everyone can agree is that US will likely never again see this same military advantage in any other theater of war against Putin - Iran, Taiwan, N Korea, the N Pole, or any others. All of them leave the US impaired as compared to all the advantages Zelensky just handed America there in Ukraine.

Zelensky offered America the Trump Card of Peace – Peace through Strength. We have never been in a better position to demand peace from Putin: Putin Nukes 4 Ukraine. Now is the most opportune time to negotiate a True Peace, The End to Putin Nuke-mongering. 

Chapter 1: If Putin is Winning the War, No Need Fear WW3

The dyslexic mind behind this proposal had all these punchlines tucked away in the backend of our video presentation. Instead, we started with the opening premise where Putin Supporters always begin: Putin – once cornered, will nuke the world. 

Our point. It’s critical to accurately track how much Putin is getting squeezed by America. Knowing this gives us the countdown to when Putin will resort to nukes – when he’s cornered. 

We also expose one of the biggest Inconsistence we get from Putin’s Supporters. They say Putin is winning the war in Ukraine while the Russian economy only grows alongside a new international partnership that is replacing - destroying America and the NATO alliance. And so we ask, why would Putin nuke the world if he is able to destroy the West via his present victory in Ukraine? The two arguments don’t add up. 

If Putin is truly winning on all fronts, there would be no need for any of us to worry about him nuking us. Instead, Putin threatening nuclear retaliation is his admission that things are in fact far more dire than his Supporters have been led to believe. Putin is either winning the war and so we have nothing to worry from nukes, or he is actually losing and so we must consider the next option to nuclear confrontation. What are the other options to nuclear war or death to Putin? This is a primary goal of this effort 

The larger point: Putin Supporters overestimate Putin’s success. We caution that doing so only adds to the risk of nuclear war by failing to see how close we are too it. Therefore, it’s important to look past all the propaganda of both sides (while tracking Putin’s actual losses) so we know how much time is left before Putin hits his breaking point. We begin that process here. 

Chapter 2: Finding Putin an Escape Hatch from Defeat in Ukraine

  1. That brings us to a top priority of this work: help find Putin an escape hatch - should he lose in Ukraine. Such a loss means death for Putin – and nuclear retaliation against all of us – by him. Therefore, it’s imperative we find alternatives to nuclear retaliation. Democracy and elections happen to be a surprisingly effective way for leaders to exit politics with their heads still upon their shoulders. These proposals are developed in later chapters, but offer some examples in this this volume: Volume 2: 
  2. Examples: Talking Putin down from points of escalation. Case Points: Putin bringing fighters in from other countries – for it would be an invitation for Europe to send in their 2 to 4 million fighting age newly arrived refugees to serve in Ukraine. The same word of caution in Putin using tactical nukes or reinforcing Kaliningrad. We point out why each of these are a bad options for Putin. We will find more examples of steps of escalation Putin wants to avoid. The power of these different aspects begin to form a new portrait to the advantages we find in peace once all of these steps have been consolidated into a larger picture. 

Chapter 4: Now to Trade Putin’s Nukes For Ukraine

Have Putin hand over all those same nukes he has set to destroy the planet and exchange them for Ukraine. We get the nukes. Putin gets Ukraine. Much the same deal Putin is already offering, just a lot less death and explosions. 

  1. Putin has notified the world that America is about to start WW3 for helping Ukraine. Putin Supporters tell us we can save the world from nuclear holocaust if the US hands Ukraine over to Putin. Exchange nuclear obliteration for Ukraine!? Sounds like a really great deal. 
  2. This summarizes the first video of Volume 1, Chapters 1 – 5. Will offer a summary of the coming Volumes soon. 

Table of Contents

1 Volume

40 Things Puttin Supporters get Wrong About Ukraine

Part 1

The False Peace of Putin’s Nuke-Mongering

(The Video just released covers all of Part 1)

Chapter 1: If Putin is Winning the War, No Need Fear WW3 

Chapter 2: Finding Putin an Escape Hatch from Defeat in Ukraine

Chapter 3: Zelensky Just Won America’s Conventional War w/ Russia

Chapter 4: Trade Putin Nukes for Ukraine 

Chapter 5: Brokers of a False Peace & Nuke-Mongering 

Part 2

The Best War Peace Can Buy

Chapter 6: Zelensky Saves America from the War of Taiwan

Chapter 7: Zelensky Saved all those Nations of the Petro Dollar

Chapter 8: Zelensky Broke the Sino-Russia Alliance

Chapter 9: Bakhmut: Where the Persona of the Putin Mustique Went to Die 

Chapter 10: Churchill of the 21st Century

Volume 2

The Peace Dividend

Part 1

Ukraine: 10 for 1 Deal

Chapter 1: Global Disarmament 

Chapter 2: Trade Artic for Ukraine 

Chapter 3: Saving Petro Dollar and Nuclear War – Both Only Get 1 Shot

Chapter 4: Abandoning Ukraine; Not End of Nuclear Confrontation, Only the Beginning 

Part 2

The End of Nukes

Chapter 5: 6 Reasons Why Nukes are an Obsolete Weapon for Modern Day War 

Part 3

The Best War Peace Can Buy

Chapter 6: The Best War Peace Can Buy 

Chapter 7: The Peace Dividend

Chapter 8: The Budget: 10 for 1 Deal for Peace

3 Volume

The 101 Fallacies of John Mearsheimer’s Russia 

Chapter 1: Minsk Agreement is a Travesty of the Budapest Agreement

Chapter 2: Absurdity of Russian Claims of Neutrality 

Chapter 3: Real Problem: Putin’s Soviet Era Model – Outdated for a Modern World

Chapter 4: Up-grading Putin’s Economic Model is Simple Solution to Conflict

Chapter 5: Russian Free Elections: Escape Hatch for Putin 

4 Volume

The Gold Backing the US Dollar is Military Intervention

No Intervention, No Dollar – Welcome to Ukraine 

Chapter 1: Loss of Ukraine is End of Dollar’s Gold Backing - Military Intervention.

Chapter 2: As Goes the US Dollar, So Goes the Euro & All Democracies

Chapter 3: Putin’s Victory: Not the End of Nuclear Confrontation, Just the Beginning

Chapter 4: 5 Fast, Easy Replacements to Russian & Saudi Oil 

5 Volume

End of US Hegemony – What The World Looks Like 

Details later

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